December 18, 2022

To the shock and horror of the left, The New York Young Republican Club gathered last week to celebrate its joyous solidarity in the face of overwhelming evil. Gorgeously clad attendees of the 110th Annual Gala strode past mobs of protesters braying the usual insults (“Nazi!” “Fascist!” “White Supremacist!”) from behind police barricades.

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“One party in the country wants to put the other party in a gulag, and the media carries their water,” Donald Trump Jr. told the crowd, delivering somber analysis with perfect comic timing. “We have a political party pushing pedophilia, as the schools attack mothers…We saw more cancellations of Mike Lindell than Balenciaga for running a kiddie porn campaign.”

“We’re dining in this beautiful room, but it’s like dining on the top deck of the Titanic,” Marjorie Taylor Greene said. “We’re a nation invaded on our southern border, and every day 300 Americans are dying from fentanyl. Since 9/11, over one million Americans have died of drug overdoses, while the Mexican cartels make $19 – 29 billion a year selling drugs.”

I attended the Gala as a reporter for American Thinker, interviewing a wide array of people to gauge their thoughts on this epic moment in American history. Several themes emerged:

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We’re in a spiritual battle. And it’s one minute till midnight. “We want total war,” Gavin Mario Wax, the tough-minded President of the New York Young Republican Club, thundered from the podium. “We must be prepared to do battle in every arena – in the media, in the courtroom, at the ballot box, and in the streets…Use every weapon at our disposal.”

As the night went on, it became clearer that the ultimate war front is spiritual. Vish Burra, Executive Secretary of the Club, decried “the spiritual sewage polluting the soul of the nation.” And Jack Posobiec, Senior Editor of Human Events, said, “We are in a war, a new type of war not fought on fields of battle. This is a generational conflict fought on a spiritual level – fought in grocery stores, classrooms, trains. Today’s warfare is a warfare of tweets, memes, words, and narratives. We will not be silenced as they go after our children. God save the Republic.”

The room seemed to pulse with sober recognition of the weight of the hour, as well as excited determination to fulfill the mission. Everyone in the room had drafted themselves into the war. Amidst the harsh resolve, there was gentleness, too. An earnest young man named Calvin told me, “The people screaming and protesting outside have broken hearts, and they need healing. The way forward is through a spiritual path.”

The corrupt Republican establishment will not be tolerated. The dynamic success of The New York Young Republican Club is both a reproach to the failed Republican establishment and a template of how to move forward. NYYRC attracts hardcore activists who despise crony compromise, and as its membership ranks swell – it’s now up to 1,100 – so does its power.

Ron Coleman, who’s on the Club’s Board of Advisors, told me, “We’re fighting an uphill battle against unprecedented levels of nihilism, cynicism, and corruption but, otherwise, I’m optimistic as usual.”

And Gavin Wax laid it all on the line: “The Republican Party cares only about kowtowing to the donor class. Our donations were wasted; our energies were squandered. We’re putting the corrupt Republican establishment on notice.”