December 19, 2022

It has been a tough few years, first with COVID then an economy blasted by inflation and recession. Most Americans are hoping for a shiny present under the American Christmas tree this year. But will it be a lump of coal instead? In the spirit of Festivus, let’s air some grievances.

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How do Americans feel about the current direction of the United States? Rasmussen Reports asked likely U.S. voters if the country is heading in the right or wrong direction. Only 35 percent think we are going in the right direction, compared to 60 percent who believe we are heading in the wrong direction. Americans say “bah-humbug” to those running the country, both Democrats and Republicans.

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What might Americans be concerned about as we enter the holiday season? Plenty. Rather than the 12 days of Christmas, how about the 12 days of discontent? It’s time to air some grievances, in no particular order as “all grievances matter”.

Those illegally crossing our borders can harbor myriad infectious diseases, but those who live in America must be vaccinated, boosted multiple times, wear a mask, and stay six feet away from every other human being in order to participate in society.

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Foreigners who want to visit the U.S. to see their families, vacation, and spend their own money must wait years for a visa application appointment, but those crossing the border illegally receive free food, housing, clothing, healthcare, and education immediately.

Doctors and engineers who want to work in America for the benefit of America must take myriad exams, fill out endless paperwork, and wait for years for possible approval. But any illiterate, unskilled migrant or criminal can stroll into the U.S. to hurt and certainly not help America.

We cannot count the number of Americans in America for the census, but our borders are wide open for anyone in the world to enter America and be supported by the same Americans we cannot count.

Russians somehow influencing our elections is wrong, but it’s perfectly fine for Russians, Mexicans, Africans, or anyone else from anywhere else to vote in our elections.

We must pretend a man dressing as a woman is really a woman, and pretend along with him, or risk being called horrible names if we point out the obvious. Those who can’t define “a woman” celebrate a woman Supreme Court justice and eagerly await a woman president.

Friends and family have become hostile and dismissive over differing opinions about Trump, masks, vaccines, election integrity, and all things political. Those who scream the loudest for diversity and inclusion want nothing of the sort in their own lives, preferring no diversity or inclusion, eliminating those with alternative perspectives.