December 20, 2022

Leave it to Republicans to fall short, either from nearsightedness, timidity, or both.  Case in point, Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas.  Twenty House conservatives, led by the quixotic speaker-aspirant Andy Biggs (R-AZ), are calling for Mayorkas’ impeachment.  Their intentions are good, but their call is a little like calling for the arrest of Bonnie Parker but letting Clyde Barrow and his gang run free.  Bonnie was nothing without Clyde.    

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From the New York Post, December 13:

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), who introduced articles of impeachment against President Biden’s DHS chief last year, led the delegation of lawmakers at a press conference on Tuesday, making the legal case for how Mayorkas “has committed high crimes and misdemeanors” worthy of impeachment. 

Then this from the Post’s story:

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“Secretary Mayorkas has released more than one million illegal aliens into the country,” Biggs said. “Most of these released illegal aliens will never be heard from again.”

That’s quite true, and should vex Americans who grasp that a nation without a border soon enough degenerates into a pre-civilizational free-for-all.  Juárez would appear civil by contrast

A nation that demolishes its borders isn’t going to be a nice place, thronging with tranquil, diverse peoples bartering hemp clothing for solar panel installations and windmill repairs.  It’ll be a land of warring tribes and factions. 

This “deconstruction” of the U.S.-Mexican border as a prelude to some glorious global utopia is the masturbatory indulgence of mostly affluent, white progressives… a conceited, powerful minority who, currently — and, we hope, not much longer — occupy the high ground, not only in government, but in a range of institutions – in the corporate media, prominently — and who dominate the culture.  Among them, too, hard-eyed cynics, whose preoccupation is power acquisition for self-aggrandizement.  They see profit in exploiting the diaspora.    

It’s these elites who must stand accused in the court of public opinion of crimes against the American people… who lend not just their assent to the debauching of the southern border and, since January 2021, the ensuing deluge of an estimated 5.5 million illegals into the country, but whose voices, dollars, and institutional heft weigh heavily in this unprecedented assault on the nation’s integrity, security, and welfare.              

But, of course, it’s outside the scope of the soon-to-be House Republican majority to pursue that extra-governmental supporting cast.  It’s mostly up to us — sensible, sober patriots — to defeat those elites and their minions, pushing them to the margins.  No easy feat, but neither was defeating the British crown.