December 21, 2022

America has survived as a beacon of light for over two hundred years for two very simple reasons.  First, we developed a Constitution that protects our God-given rights, especially those listed in the Bill of Rights, and second, we discovered and learned how to use fossil fuels.

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Use of fossil fuels had an immediate effect on our environment, as the use of kerosene soon took the place of whale oil for lamps and preserved the lives of thousands of whales.

Under the Trump administration this long tradition was continued and even added to. The present administration has done much to reverse that trend.  It is almost as if they have determined that every act of President Trump had to go.

A couple dozen executive orders were issued the first day Biden was in office.  Many of these concerned the use of energy.

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There was an immediate war on coal, oil, and natural gas, the very things that made America great. First was cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Then other pipelines bit the dust. Oil exploration projects on federal lands and off shore were ended.

The goal of the present administration is to stop all production of carbon dioxide in just a few short years.  Carbon dioxide is a necessary gas from which every plant is built.  From that tiny percentage (0.042 percent) comes the substance of every plant and all plant life in the oceans.  We are just part of that carbon cycle.  Animals produce carbon dioxide while plants produce oxygen, essential for all life.

It is foolish to think that man can reduce carbon dioxide and control the earth’s temperature.  The goal of the liberals has been to end all use of fossil fuels, yet so far that use has not decreased, but has increased to meet the needs of a developing world. Although the present administration may have embarked on a war on oil, coal, and natural gas, countries like China and India are building literally hundreds of coal-fired electric generation plants.

Wind and solar will never take the place of fossil fuels.  Use of fossil fuels has made us wealthier as a nation, and as nations become wealthier their protection of the environment increases.

Europe has closed coal-fired and nuclear generation plants.  Now large numbers are in danger of freezing to death because of the cost of heating.  Some folks are cutting trees to burn and keep warm, and this is certainly not environmentally friendly.

Wind and solar are only short-term solutions to our energy needs.  Today we see ugly machines all over the country and they only provide for a couple percentages of our energy.