Business, Progressives Stall Omnibus to Kill Title 42 Border Barrier

A business-backed coalition of progressive groups helped to stall the 2023 omnibus funding bill the night before the Friday deadline, rather than let Democratic Senators face a public vote on preserving the Title 42 border barrier.
The Title 42 barrier is set to be lifted in the new few days, so opening the U.S. border to a mass inflow of economic migrants.
“URGENT ACTION: The Senate is about to vote on Title 42, which has illegally prevented asylum seekers from seeking safety,” said an evening tweet by the pro-migration ACLU. “We all need to stop what we’re doing and tell our senators NOW: Vote NO. ”
The demand was backed up by Todd Schulte, the president of, a group of West Coast investors who are leading and funding the progressive push for maximum migration into Americans’ workplaces and housing.
Not one single person trying to legislate the indefinite extension of a Title 42 (or rather revoke the ability of this DHS to end it) is even pretending it’s abt public health—which is the only legal standing for T42. Just bad immigration policy & legal realism all the way down.
— Todd Schulte (@TheToddSchulte) December 22, 2022
The breadth of investors who founded and funded was hidden from casual visitors to the group’s website. But copies exist at other sites. The 2013 founders included Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and investors such as John Doerr at Kleiner Perkins, Matt Cohler at Benchmark, and Breyer Capital CEO Jim Breyer.
The ACLU, as well as several groups backed by, are part of the Welcome With Dignity coalition, which is also pushing for the removal of the Title 42 barrier. The coalition says “We envision a United States that welcomes all people seeking safety with dignity.”
The coalition released a telephone script for supporters to call Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who has strongly supported the inflow of more cheap workers and shared-occupancy renters into New York City:
Currently, Senator [Mike] Lee [R-UT] is attempting to include an amendment (No. 6563) to the FY23 appropriations bill that would decimate the right to seek asylum at the border, by requiring the reinstatement of the mass expulsions policy that has resulted in widespread violence against refugees, like Title 42. This amendment is likely to get a vote at a 50-vote threshold and we need your help to not allow this amendment to get a vote.
The 2023 funding bill needs to be passed by Friday — or else Congress will have to vote to continue the 2022 budget until the disagreement over Title 42 is resolved in the new year by the GOP-led House and the Democrat-led Senate.
If Democrats had a solid caucus ready to vote against the Lee amendment, they could vote it down with the aid of Vice-President Kamala Harris.
But that vote would leave all Democrats facing attack ads in 2024 blaming them for the tsunami of poor job-seeking migrants that is expected once Biden and his deputies lift the Title 42 barrier.
President Joe Biden has flown millions of border crossers and illegal aliens into American cities and towns, all paid for by taxpayers, Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) details.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 23, 2022
The flood could deliver millions of migrants — or more than one migrant for every American child born in 2023. The wave of migrants would cut wages, spike rents, and crowd schools and local aid programs that are needed by tens of millions of Americans already suffering from high inflation.
So Schumer is trying to avoid a majority vote, or schedule a vote that would require a 60-vote margin to pass, so enabling several at-risk Democrats to fake support for the Title 42 barrier.
“Mike Lee wants approval of Title 42 amendment set at a 51-vote threshold,” said a tweet from CNN. Democrats “are worried he’d have the votes for adoption to omnibus. …. Schumer could shut down debate but that’d require 60 votes.”
The migrant flood is already rising because Biden’s border chief, the pro-migration, Cuban-born immigrant Alejandro Mayorkas, refuses to apply the Title 42 barriers to countries that still refuse to accept deported migrants.
Mayorkas has not released the migration numbers for November. But in October, he allowed 152,000 migrants to cross and used Title 42 to block only 78,000 migrants, or just one-third of the total. In addition, Mayorkas has done little to stop roughly 50,000 migrants from sneaking across the border each month.
NEW: Several mass illegal crossings in Eagle Pass, TX overnight, including this group of several hundred that crossed before sunrise. Title 42 remains in effect, but most of the people crossing in this sector are from countries T42 isn’t enforced on, & majority are released.
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) December 21, 2022
Democrats complained about the voting dispute that delayed the passage of the 2023 omnibus bill. The bill includes little to protect the U.S. border — but at least $3 billion to move migrants to U.S. workplaces, and $45 billion to help Ukraine protect its border from Russian infantry.
2) Murphy: There’s still lots of ways that we can find a path to get this done. I think especially after President Zelenskyy’s speech tonight there’s going be a lot of people pushing to get this bill to the finish line.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 22, 2022
Pro-migration advocates are hoping the GOP Senators will leave town, so allowing the Democrats to win a majority vote. One advocate attached his message to a fake Twitter account satirizing Sen. Mike Lee.
If senators drop the last-minute Title 42 stunt and pass the budget, they can be home for Christmas before this hits:
— Adam Isacson (@adam_wola) December 22, 2022
But many GOP Senators are speaking out against Biden’s refusal to protect American families from a flood of cheap migrant workers.
Sen. James Lankford (R-KS) pushed for a majority vote:
Our southern border is a full-on crisis and for whatever reason this Administration chooses not to care. Today, I gave my Democrat colleagues in the Senate a simple, non-controversial way to fix this crisis—they objected.
— Sen. James Lankford (@SenatorLankford) December 22, 2022
This call for a Title 42 vote is backed up by establishment Republicans, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT):
It is outrageous that Senate Democrats are refusing to allow a vote on @SenMikeLee amendment to extend Title 42 expulsion authority.
The Lee amendment is relevant to the underlying legislation and represents good policy for the United States.#Omnibus
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) December 22, 2022
We have record numbers of migrants illegally crossing the border and an alarming increase in drug trafficking, yet the Administration refuses to accept the solution sitting right in front of them: finish the wall, keep the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and keep Title 42 in place.
— Senator Mitt Romney (@SenatorRomney) December 20, 2022
Immigration reformers, such as NumbersUSA, called for GOP Senators to fight for the Title 42 barrier:
It is outrageous that Senate Democrats are refusing to allow a vote on @SenMikeLee amendment to extend Title 42 expulsion authority.
The Lee amendment is relevant to the underlying legislation and represents good policy for the United States.#Omnibus
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) December 22, 2022
House Republicans are also warning about a failure to preserve the Title 42 barrier:
Title 42 ends in two days. Get ready for more of this.
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) December 19, 2022
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