Jesus' Coming Back

Dan Bongino analyzes whether Merrick Garland will indict President Trump…

I am of two minds:

1) They sold it to their base, the base is never satiated, they would indict in the star chamber of D.C. so why wouldn’t they go for it? Why else would they bring on the corrupt special counsel….again?!?

2) On the other hand, they might just want to keep this thing hanging over #45’s head all through the presidential campaign, just to continue to try and taint him; they really have nothing left.

Either way, they aren’t going to give #45 an inch of breathing room; funny how Mar-a-lago raid just disappeared into the ether, tax returns release amounted to zero ROI. They really are running on fumes at this point.

Dan is right. The “criminal referral” isn’t worth the paper it is printed on: 1) separation of powers issue – legislature can’t usurp the authority of the executive branch. Congress only has legislative authority. The many lawyers on the Democrat side know this, but are corrupt, so.. and 2) They are bills of attainder, which are very, very, very unconstitutional, and they know that as well.

But who cares, Constitution be damned.

Every single thing the Democrats have done is performative and they know it, but with the compliant media on their side, they can continue to be relentless and unrepentant.

Citizen Free Press

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