December 27, 2022

The nefarious $1.7 trillion Omnibus spending bill was passed by progressives in both parties.  

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This bill funds bigger government for fiscal year 2023 through September.  The bad news is that progressives seized on an initiative to eviscerate the incoming Republican House majority for half of their term.  The good news is this bill should not stand because it is unconstitutional.  The best news will be when something is done about that.

The House has authority to initiate spending under the Origination Clause of our Constitution which is Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1.  This clause gives power to the House of Representatives to originate revenue bills and supply government.  Obviously, it is a power revolving in time, coincidental with terms of office.  The House, being elected politicians closest to the people because of their short term of office, has authority and responsibility to tailor government spending to best match the will of voters.

The 117th United States Congress has exceeded their authority past their term limit by usurping the authority of the 118th Congress.  

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Once the 117th Congress has been succeeded in the New Year, they no longer meet, they no longer legislate, they are history.  The same is true of their bills becoming laws.  Constitutionally, this means appropriations bills can’t extend past their time in office.  Otherwise, they are legislating extra officium.

It does not matter how execrable the practices of the Congress have become.  What matters is what the Constitution says.  Precedents of bad behavior don’t amount to license.  Congress has a long history of engaging in or encouraging unconstitutional actions.  

For example, although the Constitution in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 says only Congress has the power to legislate, Congress and the Courts generally turn a blind eye to both imperial edicts issued as Executive Orders and also to bureaucratic rules which have the power of law.  What the Constitution requires is for Congress only to legislate.  This means Executive Orders which impact any citizen outside the Executive branch of government must be submitted as a proposal to Congress to pass bills.  Similarly, all bureaucratic rules must be submitted to Congress as proposals for passage as bills.  Congress doesn’t have the power or authority to delegate legislating to any other body, branch of government, or court.

If what the 117th Congress did was constitutional, then there would be nothing to prevent the 117th Congress from passing an Omnibus spending bill for fiscal year 2024, too.  This would effectively strip the 118th Congress of their rightful prerogatives with respect to revenues and appropriations during the full term of the 118th.  The result would be an additional effective term of office for the 117th which would be unconstitutional because they aren’t in office.

For that matter, there would be nothing preventing progressives from passing a perpetual appropriations re-authorization bill which increases the budget annually automatically in perpetuity (such as is now done anyway annually with baseline budgeting).  Progressives would argue this is lawful, and all that is needed is for libertarians and conservatives to pass a different law.  But, this negates the Constitution because it implies statutory law and its procedures are all that matters.  It would strip the lawfully sitting 118th House of their delegated power to address spending.

In fact, what progressives want is for libertarians and conservatives to do nothing now in the face of their audacious power play.  They will claim that libertarians and conservatives can pass a contrary bill and get that signed into law.  Of course, in a practical sense, any replacement bill resulting in smaller government would never become law because of progressive dominance in the Senate and White House.  In any case, this doesn’t address the root cause of the problem.