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‘There are No Borders’: Migrants Mass in Mexico Ahead of Title 42’s Demise; To restore order at the border, Democrats Must Fund Enforcing the Law, Not Handouts to Cities and Migrants; No One Willing to Take On Illegal Rntry Challenges

‘There are no borders’: Migrants mass in Mexico ahead of Title 42’s demise:

Any doubt about what awaits the U.S. after the end of the Title 42 pandemic border expulsion policy can be settled by looking at the headlines plastered across newspapers south of the border.

Ten thousand migrants were massed in Matamoros, just below the southern tip of Texas, awaiting their chance to make a run at the border, according to La Jornada. In Tijuana, it was 9,000. In Juarez, the mayor told the local newspaper 20,000 migrants have put down roots but would likely rush the border if Title 42 expires.

“When one has the desire to overcome there are no borders,” one Guatemalan man told El Diario.

U.S. news is replete with coverage of the legal battle over the pandemic expulsion policy and stories about political negotiations abound.

But you have to turn to the Spanish-language press to see who’s waiting on the other side, why they’re coming, and what they hope to achieve once here, said Todd Bensman, national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies who has been tracking news south of the border and said it challenges much of what goes as conventional wisdom in the U.S.

“The immigrants are telling them why they’re coming, and they’re coming because Title 42 is falling away and leaving open to them this guaranteed-entry asylum system. They all know it, and they’re all saying it, out loud and across newspapers,” Mr. Bensman said. —>READ MORE HERE

To restore order at the border, Democrats must fund enforcing the law, not handouts to cities and migrants:

President Joe Biden inherited what his first Border Patrol chief called “arguably the most effective border security in” history. Operational control rapidly disintegrated, however, as Biden reversed nearly all of President Donald Trump’s successful border policies without implementing his own promised “guardrails” to prevent a wave of illegal entries.

With Title 42 possibly ending this week, sanctuary-city mayors like Eric Adams are calling for federal aid for what’s expected to be an even bigger deluge. To restore order, taxpayers should demand the administration detain all illegal entrants — as the law already requires — and Congress pay for detention beds, not border-related handouts to municipalities and migrants themselves.

In the decade between fiscal year 2011 and FY 2020, agents at the southwest border apprehended 4.27 million illegal migrants — 1,170 per day, on average. Under Biden, Border Patrol has apprehended more than 3.785 million migrants at the US-Mexico line — 5,933 per day, or roughly six times Border Patrol’s capacity.

Of all the Trump-era border policies that Biden eliminated, the most prominent and effective was the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), better known as “Remain in Mexico.” —>READ MORE HERE

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+++++No one willing to take on illegal entry challenges+++++

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