December 28, 2022

Think about this as we head into 2023: 330 million human beings live in America. Every day they eat at least two meals, about 10 pounds of food is consumed, that means 3.3 billion pounds of food is consumed per day. This also means someone needs to produce, distribute and finally, deliver that food.

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330 million people also need a home to sleep in every night. They also need transportation, most likely have a smart phone, probably have an email account, if not many; they buy things, including clothes, shoes, cars, subscriptions, drugs, furniture, shoes, entertainment, and the list goes on and on….

In short, no matter how badly our political leaders might mess things up or make things complicated, there are still 330 million people in America who need and consume stuff every day, and this all but guarantees there will always be others who provide the products and services to this 330 million customer base.

Add to this because our country operates in a free-market system, anyone can get in on the program. Businesses are created, products are produced, things are sold. The barter system works best in a free-market system because all things have value and every person who can produce something can get in on the action, hence the prospect of a better life is always possible.

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Add to this that we have devices now that make it easier than ever to move and get products and services. Even a nine-year-old child has better tech in his hands than NASA had when we landed on the moon.

And this is why no matter how bad things appears, or how awful things seem to be, 330 million people guaranty business will be done. Not just in America, but in Europe, the United Kingdom, India and even China.

People are the key to continued prosperity.

It is society that makes the world go round. People make a civilization, a civilization does not make a people. And as long as there are massive amounts of people you can be assured life will go on with very small changes from time to time. On the macro change is slow; on the micro it appears to fluctuate based on variables such as weather, war, periodic pestilence (that can affect man, animal or both). And from time to time, bad leadership. 

But in the main, life moves slowly but progressively and inversely proportional to the mass contained. Think of how cattle move slowly the more cows there are in a herd. It is no different with humans (ever walk out of a crowded theatre at the end, or find yourself in rush hour traffic?). The masses therefore become society’s safety brake. 

Thank God for this. People ensure life continues to progress. People are innovative, we are creative adventurers. Think of the Wright brothers, think Edison, or Tesla, people who, for no other reason, are curious about how to make things better. And then everyone’s life is improved.