December 29, 2022

I reported previously how Dean Eduardo Peñalver of Cornell’s famous law school used an official Cornell University web page to condemn Legal Insurrection’s William Jacobson for disparaging Black Lives Matter.  This page, which is still online as of December 27, 2022, says in part (emphasis is mine),

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In light of this deep and rich tradition of walking the walk of racial justice, in no uncertain terms, recent blog posts of Professor William Jacobson, casting broad and categorical aspersions on the goals of those protesting for justice for Black Americans, do not reflect the values of Cornell Law School as I have articulated them. I found his recent posts to be both offensive and poorly reasoned.

I also reported how Hardin-Simmons University apparently forced out a student for posting a TikTok video that disparaged Black Lives Matter.  HSU is already facing declining enrollments due to other reasons, and, in light of the following discovery, its treatment of this student should be an absolute disqualifier in the absence of rapid corrective action by HSU (including, for example, a public apology to the student in question).  Less expensive public universities in Texas cannot discriminate against students for political views, and if students want education with a Baptist focus, there are plenty of Baptist churches and other organizations on or near the public universities in question.

I am also not sure why prospective law students should pay Cornell roughly $75,000 in annual tuition when SUNY Buffalo is closer to $25,000 a year for New York residents in the absence of corrective action by the university’s administration or trustees.  This corrective action should, as I see it, consist of removal of the web page in question along with a public apology to Professor Jacobson.

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Black Lives Matter Eulogized Fidel Castro and Praised Domestic Terrorists

I came across the following eulogy for the murderous Cuban dictator Fidel Castro while looking for more information on “Mama Assata,” as BLM calls the convicted cop-killer and domestic terrorist Assata Shakur, AKA Joanne Chesimard.  This is straight from BLM Global Network itself and not from any of its detractors.

The first thing to note is the call for “revolution,” which uses civil rights as a means rather than an objective.  This reinforces the position that the only real difference between BLM icon George Floyd and Nazi icon Horst Wessel is that Floyd was Black and Wessel was Caucasian.  Both were violent thugs; Floyd was convicted of a gun-armed robbery, and Wessel belonged to extremist paramilitary organizations.  Both were later killed unlawfully, Floyd by Derek Chauvin, who, with the benefit of hindsight, had a badge and a gun he should not have had, and Wessel by communists.

What follows is even worse than anything I and many others had previously imagined despite BLM’s long track record of encouraging civil unrest, credibly alleged misuse of 501(c)(3) tax-exempt resources to influence the 2020 presidential election, anti-Semitic hate speech, and anti-Semitic denial of the right of Israel to exist.

As a Black network committed to transformation, we are particularly grateful to Fidel [Castro] for holding Mama Assata Shakur, who continues to inspire us. We are thankful that he provided a home for Brother Michael Finney Ralph Goodwin, and Charles Hill, asylum to Brother Huey P. Newton, and sanctuary for so many other Black revolutionaries who were being persecuted by the American government during the Black Power era.

The article ends with “Fidel Vive!” (Fidel Lives), so let’s take a look at what BLM supports.