December 31, 2022

It is folly to believe that the US should engage in a repeat of the Cold War with the rising world power that is China, reflecting the maxim that “Generals always fight the last war.” That implies that the current military strategy focuses too much on what happened before rather than what will happen next. Rather than repeating the Cold War, the US should rethink how it views its place in the world and work to partner with China on high-priority issues that affect both countries, like nuclear weapons, trade policies, natural resources, economics, etc. This necessarily requires that the US and China negotiate and live up to expected behaviors and policies as well as partnering in combating global threats that both countries face.

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The US-Soviet Cold War involved two world powers of relatively equal military might who also had significant access to natural resources and technology, although the US enjoyed a significant lead on the technology side. The key to the US success in the Cold War was that the US economy was far stronger than the Soviet economy due to the Soviets’ fundamentally flawed central economic management. In the end, the US could outspend the USSR in everything from technology and military to supporting allies with various forms of foreign aid—including sending shiploads of wheat to the Soviets.

Most significantly, after WW2, US forces occupied key war-torn nations in Europe and Asia and were driven to adopt robust western forms of political and economic organization. Soviet dominance over Eastern European countries after WW2, all of which followed communist doctrines, did not result in similarly growing and powerful economies. Governments dominated by the Soviets were also far from desirable.

The challenge with China is very different. The West did not defeat China in a devastating war and then occupy it for 50 years while driving western governance and economic practices to change fundamentally how the nations functioned. China, under Mao and subsequent communist leaders, did that to itself at great cost.

Image: Xi Jinping inspects the troops. YouTube screen grab.

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Nor is the Chinese economy as vulnerable as the Soviet economy was. Today, the two greatest economies on the planet are the US and China, with China’s having grown at some 6.5% in the last decades, while the US and European economies struggled at around 2%.

Despite the moderate decrease in growth due to the COVID pandemic, if China’s economy grows at anything close to what it has been, its economy could be much larger than ours by mid-century. This implies that China will be able to outspend the US on everything, most especially on anything that counters the West’s efforts at maintaining a new Cold War or influencing allies and other nations around the globe.

Please note, though, that there is reasonable debate about how robust the Chinese economy actually is and even about the actual population numbers as a result of the one-child policy. Many things can happen between now and 2050, but the estimates are still reasonably close, and it would be foolish to assume they are not—or could not be the case soon. To read more on some alternative perspectives on China’s future, I suggest Red Flags: Why Xi’s China is in Jeopardy by George Magnus et al.

China has sent some 800,000 students abroad for university education, which has contributed to a growing class of well-educated, entrepreneurial, and wealthy Chinese. Even Xi Jinping, the undisputed ruler of China, sent his own daughter to Harvard, where she graduated in 2014. China is engaged in all manner of educating its elites, obtaining and researching modern technology, and taking advantage of its economic power to become a world power in every sense.

Furthermore, China is now aggressively engaging foreign nations outside of its traditional sphere of influence. And of course, China is still operating a huge espionage effort in both the military and corporate arenas and has been recalcitrant in observing international patent and copyright laws. However, a Cold War with China will not address any of this.

Despite all this relatively new interaction with the outside world, and because of its strength and the strength it has yet to develop, China will not become a western-style capitalist country. It will forge its own path as a global power for the foreseeable future, and current attempts to isolate and/or militarily influence China will have very limited success in the near term—and even less impact over time.