Jesus' Coming Back

Donald Trump Launches Redesigned 2024 Campaign Website

Former President Donald Trump launched a redesigned 2024 campaign website at the start of the new year, declaring that America’s comeback “starts right now.”

“The American Way of Life is under attack while career politicians destroy our economy and sabotage our nation’s incredible potential,” the website declares, outlining Trump’s commitment to “take our country back from the corrupt Washington establishment and return power to the American people, where it belongs.”

It continues:

We will achieve a future of prosperity, security, and peace — creating once again the greatest economy in the history of the world, defending our borders, restoring energy independence, and leading with strength and pride on the world stage. It is time to put America First once more and usher in a glorious new era of faith, family, and freedom. Together, we will save lives, save jobs, and save America. Join me in our unstoppable mission to Make America Great Again:

Another section of the website details Trump’s objectives, which include:

  • Economic prosperity for all
  • Securing America’s borders
  • Restoring public safety
  • Peace through strength
  • Reclaiming free speech
  • Dismantling the Deep State

The website highlights Trump’s plan to “end the weaponization of the justice system, the FBI, and the DOJ.”

“We will conduct a top-to-bottom overhaul of the federal bureaucracies to clean out the rot and corruption of Washington D.C.,” it states. 

The website also highlights other key items from Trump’s agenda, including rejecting globalism, caring for veterans, and protecting parents’ rights. 

The Parental Rights section reads in part:

President Donald J. Trump fought tirelessly to restore patriotic education to our schools and to expand charter schools and school choice for America’s children. He secured permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and protected free speech on college campuses. Now, Joe Biden and the radical left are using the public school system to push their perverse sexual, racial, and political material on our youth. President Trump believes that every parent in America must be empowered to opt out of this indoctrination, and send their child to the public, private, charter, religious, or home school of their choice. He will keep men out of women’s sports. No teacher should ever be allowed to teach transgender to our children without parental consent. Schools that push critical race theory, radical civics, and gender insanity will lose federal funding. We will rescue our public schools from the Marxist teachers’ unions and liberate our children from the corrupt education bureaucracy.

The website also contains a batch of merchandise, which includes the classic Trump 2024 shirts, as well as one featuring a photo of Trump and former first lady Melania Trump, which reads, “Unfinished Business.” Another features a photo of President Biden with the text “Nation in Decline.” 

Other merchandise features a picture of Trump with the text, “America’s Favorite President,” and another reads, “Joe Biden owes me gas money.” 


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