GOP Rep. Bishop on McCarthy Holdout Saga: ‘Very Important Effort by Some People Who Are Willing to Show Courage’

Friday on FBN’s “Kudlow,” Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) boasted of his and other Republican members of Congress who held out against supporting Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) effort to win the House of Representatives speakership.
Bishop told host Larry Kudlow the holdout resulted in a “good agreement” that would better serve the American people.
“Well, Larry, we have been involved in a process that’s very beneficial to the American people, to this institution that’s so broken, as you well know, in Congress, where we just had two weeks ago just the latest $1.7 trillion omnibus rammed through Congress, designed by just a handful of people,” he said. “That isn’t the way it should work. And these 20, of whom I’m very proud, worked hard for months before we got to the opening of Congress, but continued until we got a good agreement to make changes in this place that will work better for the American people.”
“A lot of it is about our rules of procedure,” Bishop continued. “Many of those had been settled before we had Congress open, but there also was lacking commitments on legislative policy strategy. We have done some important things there on fiscal governance, the fact that we just cannot allow the federal spending to balloon up and out of control and have those omnibuses that is the best — it is the way that those things come to pass. Another thing that I’m particularly interested in is the select committee on the weaponization of the bureaucracy against the American people, something like the Frank Church Committee from 1975. I have been particularly involved in hashing out the details of that. We’re very near the end of the language on that to implement it.”
“So it’s just a — it’s this very important effort by some people who are willing to show courage,” he added. “None of it would have happened unless we had been willing to do that.”
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