Jesus' Coming Back

Diamond of Diamond & Silk passes away…

Trump killed her with his crap Warp Speed shot! He knew the plan all along why this jab was being made and it wasn’t to ever stop COVID. The patent on it existed since late 90’s! The WEF has everyone in their pocket. The plan was made by Kissinger and crew decades ago.
The Trump Administration slipped COVID-19 into the Federal Register as a declared pandemic under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act of 2005. What that means is that you’re basically screwed if something goes wrong with Coronavirus products, vaccines, and even professional treatments, as the Act provides broad protection for the companies making the products and the people providing the treatments if something does, indeed, go wrong. As some have argued, federal law actually encourages the manufacturers of vaccines or protective equipment to “willfully disregard or consciously avoid problematic risk information.”
In legal terms, there is likely no clear “standard of care” for Coronavirus treatment. Still, even if there was, when it comes to products liability or medical malpractice, patients have limited recourse under federal or state law if something they think will help treat them or keep them safe from the Coronavirus turns out not to work — even if it is made for the Coronavirus response effort and even if it is administered by professionals.
Under the so-called PREP Act, “a covered person shall be immune from suit and liability under Federal and State law with respect to all claims for loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration to or the use by an individual of a covered countermeasure,” the law says.

That means it’s very, very hard — maybe close to impossible — to sue for damages if you are harmed.

Citizen Free Press

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