Jesus' Coming Back

Baked Alaska gets 60 days in jail for J6…

Posted by Kane on January 10, 2023 11:39 pm


He also used a telephone in a senator’s office to pretend to “make a call to the ‘U.S. Senate’, stating, among other things, ‘We need to get our boy, Donald J. Trump, into office’,” per court documents.

The 60-day jail term is relatively steep for the hundreds of misdemeanor defendants who have faced sentencing for their conduct at the Capitol. Many of those who simply entered and exited the building, without committing property damage or violence, have received sentences of probation. More than 900 people have been charged.

Gionet pleaded guilty last year to parading on Capitol grounds. But McFadden agreed with prosecutors that Gionet’s conduct stood out among other rioters for its brazenness. Just weeks after being charged with unrelated crimes in Arizona, Gionet came to Washington and live-streamed his trip to the Capitol, part of a DLive stream that also included a way for his viewers to send payments.

McFadden suggested that Gionet appeared to express no remorse for his actions. Though he didn’t address it, prosecutors had also emphasized that Gionet recently celebrated the fact that his case had been transferred to McFadden — who has given out relatively lighter sentences than other judges — from Judge Emmet Sullivan.

Citizen Free Press

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