January 10, 2023

Typical of corporate and big conservative media, we had the pleasure of hearing ad nauseum how the process whereby a speaker of the U.S. House is elected was somehow disruptive and bad optics and whatever other parroted drivel. These dimwits might as well have said it was downright unpatriotic.   

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Of course, the jabbering propagandists at CNN and MSNBC painted the speaker contest as the start of the Apocalypse, which is exactly what their dwindling audiences of Karens, woke hucksters, race peddlers, and climate catastrophe inbreds want painted. Their talking points came from the DNC, without which they’d, deer-in-headlights, stare vacantly into the cameras.    

Over at Fox News, we had Sean Hannity browbeating Lauren Boebert for the sin of offering no viable alternative to Kevin McCarthy.  Sean missed the point of the rebellion.  Newt Gingrich characterized the 20 dissident Republicans as “blackmailers.”  Newt who came to fame in the 80s challenging the GOP establishment and throwing bombs.  Rightly so.      

What happened on the House floor in less than a week is what’s supposed to happen in a nation brimming with freedom.  A speaker was elected in an open forum through a civil process and citizens were free to watch.  It was contentious and messy at times.  But, heck, there were no melees, though one almost occurred.     

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Alabama’s Mike Rogers lunged at a sitting Matt Gaetz, the rebel faction’s bête noire.  Rogers had to be restrained and nearly lost his rug in the fracas.  Rogers’ crouching tiger routine wasn’t quite on par with Preston Brooks caning Charles Sumner on the Senate floor, but it did bring back the memory of when democracy was rowdy sport and not the domain of flabby, green-haired, tattooed, nose-ringed sissies and their hovering mommies.          

What does actual living, breathing democracy look like?  You witnessed a family audience version of it.  A lot of ugly sausage grinding.  The plainer the view, the healthier for liberty. 

What we’ve observed in recent years is stilted anti-democracy, imposed mostly by the establishment and Democrats.  There’s a cultural overlay, importantly.  A feminized, everybody-gets-a-ribbon generation recoils at conflict.  Heck, they recoil if told their shirts don’t match their pants.  Making nice is assigned a premium and has been ladled into mushy skulls.  It matters more than what’s concretely achieved through often arduous — and, jeepers, bruising — processes.   

The anti-democracy Stepford Wives standard has been predictably aped by establishment Republicans, who dream nights of being Democrats’ Stepford wives.  Go ask Nebraska’s Don Bacon about that.  Bacon, who threatened to jump ship to work with Democrats had McCarthy missed the brass ring.  Bacon, as in pork, whose name is perfectly suited to his work as a squishier member of Congress.      

Democrats have “transformed’ their congressional leadership elections into Stalinist affairs.  They might as well hold their elections on college campuses.  Powerbrokers select and anoint candidates.  Their ballots offer Column A.  Column B is blank.  Dare show the temerity to dissent, especially publicly, a la the GOP rebels, and expect to be crushed, in a very orchestrated way.  Isn’t that referred to in today’s vernacular as “cancelled?”

Yes, AOC and her band of “of-color” diversity poster malcontents do stir the pot ever so slightly, but have no doubt that wizened Comrade Pelosi and her Politburo chums made it clear to this rump that while they’d get some bones, unless they ceased and desisted, those long knives would whittle them down to size.  Ouch.