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Biden Launches Defense of Student Debt Relief at Supreme Court; Tells Court Veterans Law Gives Him ‘Clear Authorization’ To Cancel Student Debt; Biden Admin Tells SCOTUS Student Debt Handout ‘comfortably’ Legal

Biden launches defense of student debt relief at Supreme Court:

President Joe Biden’s efforts to cancel student debt for millions of Americans “fall comfortably” within the law and enjoy “clear authorization” from Congress, the Justice Department argued Wednesday in its opening brief defending the policy before the Supreme Court.

The court filing, submitted late Wednesday evening, marks the beginning of a high-stakes battle at the court in the coming months over the fate of one of Biden’s major domestic policy programs.

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in February in two cases challenging the debt relief program, which provides up to $20,000 of loan forgiveness for tens of millions of borrowers.

One case is a lawsuit by six Republican-led states, led by Nebraska and Missouri. A second case was brought by a conservative advocacy group on behalf of two Texas student loan borrowers who were partially or fully excluded from the program.

The brief filed Wednesday largely echos the legal arguments that the Biden administration has been making in lower courts over the past several months.

It argues, first, that the Supreme Court should toss out the case because the GOP states and Texas borrowers lack legal standing to bring the case. But, the Biden administration argues, the program is clearly legal in any event. —>READ MORE HERE

Tells Supreme Court Veterans Law Gives Him ‘Clear Authorization’ To Cancel Student Debt:

Lawmakers from both parties say the president’s logic is faulty, offensive to veterans

The Justice Department on Wednesday petitioned the Supreme Court to uphold President Joe Biden’s student debt relief plan, arguing that a law designed to help veterans gives the administration “clear authorization” to cancel hundreds of billions of dollars in student loans.

Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar argued that Biden’s plan to relieve up to $500 billion in loans will “fall comfortably” within the limits of the HEROES Act of 2003, which was passed to provide debt relief to veterans at the onset of the Iraq war.

The Biden administration claims the coronavirus pandemic constitutes the kind of national emergency covered by the law. Republicans and Democrats alike have criticized the Biden administration’s reasoning. Rep. Mike Waltz (R., Fla.) called the plan “a slap in the face to veterans.”

Republican-led states and conservative legal groups sued the Biden administration last year over the debt cancellation. They argued the administration’s use of the HEROES Act to implement the plan sidestepped Congress and could leave some borrowers worse off financially, in violation of the law’s original intent. —>READ MORE HERE

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+++++Biden admin tells Supreme Court student debt handout ‘comfortably’ legal+++++

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