January 11, 2023

At Biden’s press conference last Thursday about border security and enforcement, conservatives probably hoped to hear about clamping down on the illegal immigration that enriches Mexican cartels while killing Americans, jeopardizing their safety, or wreaking havoc in border communities. Instead, they heard how Biden will make it easier to be a legal immigrant.

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To achieve that goal, he’ll abuse the status of immigration parole more than he already does to bypass refugee and immigrant quotas. He’s also rewriting the criteria to make it easier to be a refugee. In one year, he is granting legal immigration status to an additional 380,000 people, and countless more will have an inside track because they have a U.S. anchor. Incredibly, the left complained that Biden wasn’t doing enough for immigrants, while the right questioned what was being done to help the American people and restore rule of law.

If you didn’t hear him say all that, that’s because, as always, the devil is in the details—and the details are stunning.

The Biden administration has announced that it will make it easier for citizens of Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua to be paroled in the United States because the U.S. will, in future, automatically accept 30,000 people per month from these four countries. This is on top of the government having already allotted 24,000 parole process spots in October for Venezuelans.

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Determining eligibility for parole is arbitrary, but it is supposed to be done on a case-by-case basis, not granted based on someone’s nationality. A person who is subjectively judged to have an urgent need for humanitarian assistance or a person who offers significant public benefits to the United States can qualify.

“Significant” is a bit of a gimmick because the significant benefit for the United States typically accrues to a single citizen, noncitizen, or family living in the United States. However, once someone is paroled, there are special programs in place to facilitate paroling family members under the age of 21 who are still in Haiti, Cuba, and Nicaragua. These additional parolees are not counted in the monthly quota.

Image: Illegal aliens swarming the southern border. YouTube screen grab.

Although the administration has said people from these countries who do not apply for parole will be turned back at the border, something that caused alarm to the left, that’s just a smokescreen. That’s because people from places other than Cuba can immediately qualify for a different status—Temporary Protection Status (TPS).

TPS is granted to people from certain countries where humanitarian assistance is deemed appropriate. It’s another subjective criterion. TPS is granted for 18 months, but it can be renewed indefinitely. Many TPS immigrants have been here for over 10 years. In July 2022, it was estimated that 343,000 Venezuelans in the United States are eligible for TPS, and 393,255 people from Central America and Haiti are TPSers are already residing in the United States.

Biden said all these people will be vetted. Really? Good luck getting data from our friends in Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and the dysfunctional state of Haiti. But fear not; the government has a Plan B. Candidates can personally attest to their own good character and the absence of addictions and certain diseases.

Do you know how good our vetting process was with Afghan refugees? After these parolees—not refugees—arrived, 31 Afghan refugees were found to have red flags. The Department of Homeland Security could only locate three of the 31. Another 50 “indicated potentially significant security concerns.” This meant their fingerprints were found on improvised explosive devices, and they were known or suspected terrorists.