Jesus' Coming Back

Comer: Biden Classified Material Storage and Handling ‘Worse’ Than Trump

Representative James Comer (R-KY) said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “The Faulkner Focus” that in light of a second set of classified documents being found in President Joe Biden’s garage, his handling of classified material was “worse” than former President Donald Trump.

Comer said, “Everything he accused President Trump of with respect to storage and handling and possession of classified documents, we now know that President Biden did the same thing, only worse because they are in multiple locations, and we really don’t know what process was involved.”

He continued, “None of this makes sense. They have not been transparent or truthful. That’s why we’re investigating the Biden family. We believe that they are come compromised because of the millions of dollars they’ve received from our enemies around the world.”

He added, “If they did know when the first set of documents was found and didn’t talk about the second, then that’s a huge problem because they aren’t being transparent with the American people. The Biden administration has a history of covering things up. We are seeing that with the Biden family influence-peddling investigation. They are trying to cover things up. It is getting to the point people are starting to realize this isn’t a political investigation. This is serious because there are too many connections to China and anonymous donations in the tune of millions of dollars.”

Comer concluded, “The fact that we haven’t heard anything from the Department of Justice yet shows again that there is a two-tier system of justice here.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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