GOP Rep. Barry Moore: We Renamed Air Safety System to Be ‘Inclusive’ But Didn’t Fix It, ‘We Go Woke, We Go Broke’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “John Bachman Now,” Rep. Barry Moore (R-AL) stated that the shutdown of the NOTAM system that led to flights being grounded is an example of “if we go woke, we go broke” and the left being more concerned with symbolism ahead of substance considering that in 2021, the NOTAM system had its name changed from Notice to Airmen to the more “inclusive” Notice to Air Missions.
Host John Bachman asked, “In 2021, the FAA changed the wording for the acronym from — for this NOTAM system from Notice to Airmen to Notice to Air Missions, ‘which is inclusive of all aviators and missions.’ But they never actually fixed the system and we have this antiquated air transportation system in this country. It’s heavily subsidized by taxpayers. We paid billions of dollars out of our pockets to keep these airlines afloat. They can’t figure it out. What is the solution here for a more streamlined, more efficient way of air travel, considering it’s so important?”
Moore responded, “Well, I think you’re right, John. Number one, we know if we go woke, we go broke. … I think you’re right. A lot of times with this crowd, it’s more about symbolism over substance. We need to be fixing systems and have people that work showing up to do the job and make sure that we’re focusing on getting people, hiring people that are qualified to do the job.”
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