Museum of the Bible to Stage Production of C.S. Lewis’ The Horse and His Boy

The Museum of the Bible will soon be presenting a production of C.S. Lewis’ The Horse and His Boy, a story that takes place in the realm of Narnia, the fictional kingdom Lewis created in his book, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.
According to The Christian Post, the Logos Theatre’s production of The Horse and His Boy will premiere at the Museum of the Bible’s World Stage Theater.
The Horse and His Boy is also part of the Chronicles of Narnia series. It tells the story of a Narnian boy who was kidnapped and raised by a fisherman. When he learns that his “father” is going to sell him into slavery, he decides to run away with a talking horse. They soon meet a young girl who has also run away.
“If you love the books, hopefully, you’ll be very pleased with this production because we are very much book enthusiasts of Lewis,” said director Nicole Stratton. “My job in taking the book from the stage is to make sure that the script is not just for book enthusiasts of Narnia, but also for people who have never read the book before.”
Stratton said she consulted with Douglas Gresham, Lewis’ stepson, in creating the stage production. Gresham approved of the adaption, she said.
“We’re very grateful for the opportunity to do ‘Narnia,’ to know Douglas Gresham, and to have his stamp of approval on this,” she said. “So, I would safely say, since he approved of it and loved it — he said it was the best Narnia adaptation he had ever seen on the stage. And so that right there was like, well, maybe if he loved it, maybe Lewis himself would.”
Meanwhile, the actors and stage workers told reporters they believe the production is a way to minister to others.
“We’re not just entertainment, but we’re faith, and Christianity all smashed into this entertainment venue,” head puppeteer Justin Swain said. “And a huge part of the Christian walk is humility, and it’s a vital feature for anyone that’s portraying puppets because you’re no longer the thespian on stage performing, but you’re actually serving something else, an inanimate object; it’s lifeless without us. So there are so many neat ways to grow as a human being, as a performer through puppetry, but we teach that humility is the chief.”
“The Horse and Boy” will be presented from January 20 through March 3.
Photo courtesy: Unsplash/Matthew Hamilton
Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.
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