January 13, 2023

The Biden administration has just extended its COVID scam, the “emperor’s new clothes,” by renewing the declaration of Public Health Emergency.  A recent poll shows that 52 percent of Americans still think the U.S. is in grave danger from COVID.  Is that true?  Was it ever?  Is Washington’s COVID narrative and response plan good medical science? 

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The word “science” has been turned on its head by Washington.  When Dr. Fauci proclaims, “I represent science”; when Twitter cancels Dr. Robert Malone; and when an academic journal censors a vaccine safety study, they subvert true science.

When one applies the scientific method to data about COVID, vaccines, and Washington mandates, one conclusion is inescapable.  Everything Washington said and did was wrong and unscientific.

The title includes “short-term” because there are no long-term or even moderate term data on outcomes: efficacy and adverse impacts.  Though that is public health malpractice, it did not stop Washington from promulgating numerous medically improper, socially devastating mandates and advisories.  

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The first and most egregious official medical falsehood represented that COVID was a grave national health hazard.  The danger was massively exaggerated.  For the healthy adult population, the chance of death because of COVID infection is similar to the seasonal flu.

Only elderly and immuno-compromised Americans, estimated at 2.3 percent of the population, are at serious risk of death due to infection with COVID.  The official number of “COVID deaths” is greatly exaggerated.  Autopsy studies and CDC demographic data show that 73 to 88 percent of these COVID deaths were people who died not from COVID, but because of multiple pre-existing conditions — cancer, kidney or heart failure, chronic lung disease, autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.  While all COVID deaths had a positive test, only six percent had no pre-existing comorbidity.  COVID deaths included a 55-year-old motorcycle accident victim because a blood sample taken in the ER was positive.

Thus, 132,000 to 297,000 of the 1.1 million Americans reported as “COVID deaths” over two years actually died due to their viral infections.  Over two years before COVID, the CDC reported 140,600 deaths due to seasonal flu.  While any death is a tragedy, COVID never presented an existential threat to the nation.  Comparing COVID to bubonic plague represents ridiculous unrealistic hyperbole.  It is Washington-generated disinformation. 

Children are a special case, an example of Washington’s medical malpractice.  According to CDC data, the risk of death from COVID in those under 18 years of age is less than 0.03 percent.  Their natural or inherent immunity provides better protection than any vaccine against any disease known.  PSAs urging parents to vaccinate their kids — “safe, effective, and doctor approved” — were Orwellian speech from the book 1984.  The jab was not medically indicated, was more dangerous than the disease itself, and was approved only in the mind of a bureaucrat M.D., Fauci, who had never practiced medicine on a child in his career.

Before vaccines were available, clinical physicians sought treatment options for patients ill with COVID.  Ivermectin is an anti-parasite drug that also has anti-viral properties.  Despite decades of safe usage, both the FDA and the CDC issued advisories saying ivermectin was “not approved for treatment or prevention” of COVID.  Hospitals and pharmacies took this as an official prohibition and refused to allow physicians to prescribe the drug.  A Minnesota medical board sought to punish a physician for trying to save a dying patient with ivermectin.  The ivermectin story demonstrates the triumph of politically correct groupthink over medical science.

The mask mandate highlights the reason Americans lost faith in the Washington medical establishment and the COVID Response Team agencies and spokespersons: Dr. Fauci; CDC director Rachel WalenskyFrancis Collins, the infamous NIH censor-in-chief; FDA advisories; and Joe Biden.