January 14, 2023

Family values are less popular than they used to be, with fractured families all over the country and dropping birth rates. There is no longer a dominant family form in the United States, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing by itself — but this is indicative of a culture where families are becoming less important and less valued.

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Despite this, to thrive in today’s society, families and family values are more important than ever — and there are many reasons why.

Financial and Resource Support

We live in economically uncertain and challenging times. Thanks in part to decades of reckless government spending and poorly conceived actions on the part of central banks, inflation is at an all-time high, asset values are completely irrational, and most people living in the country wouldn’t be able to handle even a relatively minor emergency expense.

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What does this mean for the average person? The short answer is financial instability. Even if you have a good job, you may not be able to afford a home of your own, you may struggle to buy groceries, and you may not be able to cover most of your emergency expenses.

There’s not much we can do to immediately alleviate the economic conditions in this country, but with stronger families, those economic conditions become less negatively impactful. As a parent, you can allow your child to live at home past the age of adulthood. As a child, you can help your parents make ends meet if necessary. Together, you can reduce your collective expenses and support each other in ways that render other services unnecessary.

Medical and Home Care Support

In line with this, families serve as an excellent form of medical and home care support when necessary. Regardless of whether you’re a Social Democrat, a Libertarian, a Neoconservative, or a reasonable centrist, we can unanimously agree that our current medical system is less than ideal. A combination of excessive government regulations and a private, profit-driven crony capitalist medical system has pushed prices higher and made health care less accessible.

Thankfully, it’s easier to provide home care as an individual, outside of the current medical system — and it should come intuitively to you to support your family when they need you the most. Instead of tapping into insufficient health insurance policies or risking bankruptcy to get the care you need, you can lean on some of your family members to provide at least some of your essential care.

Obviously, if you don’t have medical training or certifications, there are some medical services you won’t be able to provide. But even without any medical training, you can provide companionship and optimizations designed to increase independence.