January 19, 2023

I have long wondered why political liberals, who claim to be foremost in the struggle against discrimination, including against women and LGBT people, are also the principal actors in the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement.  Why are women’s and gender studies departments around the country against the only country in the Middle East where a woman can be prime minister and LGBT people can hold a gay pride event in the capital city?  Why did the Middle East Studies Association, American Studies Association, PSC-CUNY, and Seattle Education Association join the BDS movement?  Why are diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) departments, especially in universities, propagating anti-Semitic canards about “Jewish power” and “Jewish control”?  One would expect purportedly liberal campuses to be foremost in supporting women’s rights and LGBT rights as they exist in Israel, and protesting misogynistic and homophobic discrimination and violence as practiced not only by the “Palestinians,” but also Iran and the Taliban, but they are doing the opposite.

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There is only one rational explanation: some of them are being paid off, whether by direct funding of various academic departments or with surreptitious payments under the table in cash and/or cryptocurrency.  This recent article in Newsweek, a mainstream news source, explains:

ISGAP’s research identified a direct correlation between the funding of universities by Qatar and the Gulf States and the active presence at those universities of groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which foster an aggressive anti-Semitic atmosphere on campus. In addition, the ISGAP project assessment found a correlation between funding and the ideological bent of scholarship, including anti-Israel and anti-Zionist sentiment, at departments and institutes at some of America’s leading universities, publishing houses and academic professional associations.

The reference adds that the Middle Eastern donors involved failed to report $3 billion to the federal government, as required by law, and you can grease thousands of palms with $3 billion in untraceable money.  Qatar, which also has ties with the foreign terrorist organization Hamas, hosts satellite campuses of Georgetown, Northwestern, and Cornell Universities.  Saudi Arabian billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal, in fact, donated money for the Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown.  My understanding is that, at least at the time, there were no Christians in Saudi Arabia, or at least none who would dare to admit it.  “By law there are no Christians in Saudi Arabia.”  This may be changing as Saudi Arabia extends diplomatic ties to Israel, allows women to drive, and liberalizes in other matters as well, but it was not the case when bin Talal created his center for so-called Muslim-Christian Understanding.

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Qatar Suborns the European Union

The sinister influence of various oil-rich countries goes beyond American universities into the European Union, which could help explain E.U. support for the so-called “Palestinian” cause.  Politico explains: “six suspects were rounded up, including Eva Kaili, a glamorous 44-year-old Greek politician who, as a vice president was one of the highest profile politicians in the European Parliament.”  That’s right; the vice president of the E.U. was arrested for corruption, and the reference adds that €150,000 were found in her apartment and her father was found with a suitcase stuffed with cash.

The six arrested suspects may be the tip of the iceberg.  Numerous E.U. figures are probably taking cash and/or cryptocurrency under the table to promote foreign agendas that are inconsistent with the best interest of the E.U. and its citizens.  Qatar’s venality extends even further to the use of bribery to gain hosting rights for the World Cup competition.

Students for Justice in Palestine’s Ties to Qatar

It comes as no surprise that Students for Justice in Palestine also has close connections to Qatar.  Here is what Georgetown University-Qatar’s SJP has to say.  “As a club at GU-Q and as students in Qatar, our vision behind SJP is to support the Palestinian cause and Palestinians in their struggle for justice, self-determination, and liberation from the river to the sea.”  “From the river to the sea” is a call for the destruction of Israel because that includes Israel inside its 1948 borders.  The Canary Mission adds that SJP was founded by an anti-Semite and supporter of the foreign terrorist organization Hamas, Professor Hatem Bazian.

Bazian, a Jordanian immigrant, is a poster child for the need of the United States to vet immigrants carefully to ensure that they will assimilate with our national values.  Bazian exemplifies the argument that, while you can take immigrants out of the jihad, you cannot take the jihad out of some immigrants. (See also Rashida Tlaib and her support for PFLP terrorist Rasmea Odeh.)