January 20, 2023

Despite so many consequential events unfolding in the United States right now, one story continues to dominate headlines on a daily basis. For two months, the nation has been transfixed by a quadruple stabbing in Idaho. Especially since a suspect’s arrest at the end of December, it is almost impossible to access any media without hearing new details of sometimes dubious relevance regarding the murders.

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News stories linked on the default Microsoft homepage news feed have hinted at clues to the suspect’s character, conversations the suspect had with multiple people over the past few years, the suspect’s traffic stops across the country, possible motives for the murders, theories from various experts, reconstructions of the crime scene, possible scenarios for the sequence of events on the night in question, analysis of every known clue, theories regarding survivors of the killing spree, information about the suspect’s family, statements from the victims’ families, statements from friends of the suspect and victims, statements from students at both universities linked to the crime, film of unrelated police visits to the premises, etc.

The New York Times has published an analysis of online postings and e-mails from the suspect going back ten years.  The media has not yet interviewed everyone that ever knew the suspect and victims, but such failure is not for lack of trying.  They may yet accomplish this goal.

We have learned more about DNA evidence, cell tower pinging and criminology than we learned even from the O.J. trial almost 30 years ago. We have learned what “visual snow” means.  We have learned of the suspect’s mistakes – thus providing a useful study guide for future murderers.

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We have seen photos of the house where the murders took place, photos of the house where the suspect was arrested, endless photos of the suspect and victims, photos of those that met and knew the suspect and victims. We have seen photos of the arresting officers, some of whom have become social media celebrities in the wake of the arrests.

Theories of the “experts” would fill volumes by themselves. They theorize about the real target, the motive, the killer’s mistakes, the meaning of his prior communications, the implications of his dating history, the implications of his prior education, the implications of statements he has made about the crime to police, neighbors, fellow students.

This crime, prosecution and possible trial have dominated the media and created new celebrities. The frenzy has distracted the public from issues affecting national policy in a way that has not been seen since the O.J. case in the 1990’s.  This has been accomplished somehow without the involvement of a celebrity, politician or other traditional publicity magnet. This media frenzy is more surprising given a comparison with other recent crimes and crime waves. 

When placed in context, the Idaho crime spree would be less deadly than an average weekend in Chicago.  Despite a decline in 2022, Chicago’s homicide rate in 2022 was the fourth highest in over twenty years. December 2022 alone was the “deadliest such month since 2016.” 

I do not remember the name of any of the Chicago victims, even though many of those names were initially reported once.  Once.  I cannot recall the motives of any recent Chicago shooters, despite cursory treatment by the national media. I have never heard of an interview with friends or neighbors of the Chicago killers. Statements from victims’ families in Chicago do not make the Microsoft news feed on my computer – at least not with the regularity we have seen from Idaho.

I do not know what mistakes the Chicago killers made that led to their arrests. I do not know what the Chicago killers studied in school. I know nothing of their social media posts. I do not recall seeing articles depicting Chicago crime scenes and the sequence of events during those crimes. I am not aware of any experts that theorize to the media about any Chicago killer’s history, background, motives or psychology.  I cannot avoid seeing all of these things (and more) about the Idaho crime.  To learn these items about any of the many Chicago killings would take effort, research and time.  In most cases, such research would be fruitless.