Jesus' Coming Back

Tucker Carlson… What you’ve never been told about the shakedown of Richard Nixon…

We are asked to believe one source that the CIA killed Kennedy. How about some real proof. Just as sources claimed Johnson was on the verge of ending the Vietnam war in 1968 but behind the scenes the effort was sabotaged by Nixon to enhance his election chances in 1968. Nixon got a lot of votes in 1972 because he had a draft agreement to end the war. The peace treaty was signed in Jan 1973.

Agnew was known as a corrupt crook even before he became VP. Nixon was known for years as Tricky Dickie and for good reason. Everyone claims Tricky Dick was driven from office by the Watergate coverup. No one really cared except for the politicians playing their power games as the public considered the break in typical political machinations and expected it to be covered up. IMHO Tricky Dick’s downfall came when it came to light Nixon recorded all of his Oval Office conversations. When forced to turn them over Nixon outed himself as a paranoid despicable hateful person who went after his perceived enemies with glee. America was shocked such a rotten human being was their president thus he had to go.

IMHO the CIA may have been involved in the Kennedy thing but in partnership with the military and powerful politicians. JFK was getting out of Vietnam, wouldn’t let the military invade Cuba, and other goodies. Military was unhappy JFK ended the missile crisis peacefully, they wanted war with Cuba to teach them a lesson and send a message, and agreed to take US missiles out of Turkey. US eventually violated the agreement and reinstalled missiles in Turkey.

Citizen Free Press

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