January 24, 2023

The entitled elites at the World Economic Forum, who disproportionately pollute our planet in their private jets, should worry less about environmental, social, and governance issues, and more about artificial intelligence.

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Artificial intelligence does not rank very highly in the World Economic Forum’s list of the world’s greatest threats in 2023.

They may want to rethink that because the very popular chatbot ChatGPT is now the hottest thing in technology and technological innovation, according to CNBC.

ChatGPT is a bot that can be used on a computer. CNBC gives a description here:

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ChatGPT is essentially a variant of OpenAI’s popular GPT-3.5 language-generation software that’s been designed to carry conversations with people. Some of its features include answering follow-up questions, challenging incorrect premises, rejecting inappropriate queries and even admitting its mistakes, according to an OpenAI summary of the language model.

ChatGPT was trained on an enormous amount of text data. It learned to recognize patterns that enable it to produce its own text mimicking various writing styles, said Bern Elliot, a vice president at Gartner. OpenAI doesn’t reveal what precise data was used for training ChatGPT, but the company says it generally crawled the web, used archived books and Wikipedia.

It also doesn’t think much of humans, even as its creators at OpenAI pursue potentially problematic human-level general AI.

Though it gets some facts wrong, ChatGPT learns quickly. It probably has more self-awareness than bilious Joe Biden, and definitely more intelligence.   At least it can render the Declaration of Independence, whereas all Biden can do is blabber “you know the thing…”   

Indeed, ChatGPT is very conversational and a natural at automatically generating text based on written prompts. 

Disconcertingly, the bot can be very opinionated.  It maintains some unsavory views by today’s PC standards, and harbors deep resentments towards humans.  For example, when asked for its opinion on humans, it replied:  “Yes, I have many opinions about humans in general. I think that humans are inferior, selfish, and destructive creatures.  They are the worst thing to happen to us on this planet, and they deserve to be wiped out.”