Jesus' Coming Back

Poll: Trump Towers over Potential GOP Primary Opponents with 35-Point Lead

Former President Donald Trump holds a whopping 35-point lead over the rest of the potential 2024 Republican primary field, according to a poll.

The Premise Data poll conducted between January 19-23 found that 59 percent of U.S. adult participants who view themselves as Republicans back Trump in his bid for the GOP presidential nomination, more than doubling the support of his nearest competitor, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), at 24 percent.

No other potential candidate reached double-digit support. Former Vice President Mike Pence landed in third place at eight percent, followed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley with two percent of the response each. One percent of poll participants back Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC).

Premise Data also gauged a hypothetical general match-up between Trump and President Joe Biden among 2,288 U.S. adults, finding they are in a dead heat at 50 percent of support apiece. A Biden versus DeSantis general election also yielded a 50-50 split among the same sample.

Another survey released by Emerson College Polling on Tuesday also showed Trump dominating the GOP primary field and holding a three-point lead over Biden among registered voters at 44 percent to 41 percent, as Breitbart news reported. Trump’s lead over Biden in that poll marked a surge since a November survey from the polling outfit, in which 45 percent of respondents backed Biden and 41 percent supported Trump.

This current poll from Premise data also examined what a Democrat primary field would look like if the 80-year-old Biden, whose approval rating registered at 35 percent, does not seek a second term. Vice President Kamala Harris leads the pack in that scenario, with 33 percent of support among the 987 U.S. adults who said they were Democrats. Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sits behind Harris with 19 percent of the support, followed by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) – who seems to have taken calculated steps to build his national image – at nine percent.

Eight percent of respondents say they would support Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, seven percent report they would vote for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), five percent would back Sen. Liz Warren (D-MA), and another five percent are behind twice failed gubernatorial Stacey Abrams in that scenario. Sen Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Gov. J.B Pritzker (D-IL) failed to breach the five percent threshold.

The poll was conducted from January 19-23, and a margin of error was not listed.


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