Jesus' Coming Back

Breaking NewsTerrorist Threat on the Rise in Tanzania

1/26/2023 Tanzania (International Christian Concern)The U.S. Embassy in Tanzania issued a security alert to all Westerners and the general public on Jan. 25, following intelligence of a possible terrorist attack.  

In a statement, the Dar Es Salaam-based Embassy mapped out several tourist areas as spots the terrorists could hit.  

“Terrorist groups could attack with little or no warning, targeting hotels, embassies, restaurants, malls and markets, police stations, places of worship, and other places frequented by Westerners,” it read.  

The U.S. Embassy urged its citizens to remain vigilant, keep a low profile, and practice personal security measures while visiting these highlighted locations.  

Reports indicate that Tanzania has been infiltrated by the Islamic State (IS) jihadists due to its proximity to the Muslim-dominated province of Cabo Delgado in Northern Mozambique. In 2020, the insurgents conducted two attacks inside Tanzania after crossing the porous border from Cabo Delgado. They attacked Kitaya and Michenjele villages in Mtwara, killing 25 people, looting, and leaving a trail of destroyed property. 

A church leader in Tanzania has asked believers to be alert and prayerful and not to take the security warning lightly. 

“The Lord has been good to Tanzania over the years, and we are thankful for that. We have had times of tears due to terrorism, but we are not like other East African neighbors. Lately, we have seen how our young men and women have joined terrorist groups within the region, and so we should remain vigilant and prayerful and ask God to protect us from these enemies.” 

Perhaps the most notable Jihadist attack in Tanzania was on August 1998, when al-Qaeda simultaneously bombed the American embassies in Dar Es Salaam and Nairobi, claiming 11 and 213 lives, respectively.

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