Jesus' Coming Back

Dr. Robert Malone on Tucker Carlson…

World War 2 was the 1st pharmaceutical driven war. Pervatin is pharmaceutical meth, the Germans were all taking it, a lot of it, look it up. We found out through the Brits and decided to give our troops benzodiazapene, mind numbing drus. After the war we took all their scientists and most of their pharmaceutical industry and set them up here. We are currently in World War 3, the Second Pharmaceutical War. We are in what I call pHARMaggedon, and we have lost. The shot schedule for children is 26 doses of 13 diseases by the 1st year of life. THAT’S A SHOT EVERY OTHER WEEK FOR THE WHOLE 1ST YEAR OF LIFE. BY 2025 from the Autism numbers ALONE, America will not have enough able bodied men for a Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or National Guard. Last check shows they were turning away 74% of military applicants. If you have ever compared the vaccinated kids to the Unvaccinated it is fairly obvious who is healthy and full functioning. The whole vaccination industry is the most fraudulent, corrupt, lying, greedy bunch of thieves. Right up there with the Reserve bank, they make the MIC look like pre school kids. We’ve been had, since birth. Through ” Subversion of Medicine ” a free pdf you should search and read, We’ve lost everything. Our parents are bankrupted through medical bills, no inheritance left for their children. Our children are drugged from birth, more than any other country and have the worst health and mental problems. Now add in the schools, all media, and the street drugs, and the invasion not just at the boarder but at every level, and it isn’t looking good for us or our children. We need lots of rope, we need to hang all these people, 2 to a street light, one on each end, and we better hurry. The clot shot death rates come to 20% the 1st year, another 20% the 2nd year, and 20% more by the 5th year. That is 60% dead or severely disabled by 2025, and it doesn’t include the skyrocketing Autism charts. We’ll be lucky if we have 15% of men left to fight. You will have to find more people to help us if we are even going to put up a fight. We need to disable the media, think satellite dishes locally, every city that has them, the power that supplies the media needs to come down. The vaccination and drug pushers need to be stopped, like in Fight club type ways. We need to sabotage them, non stop.

Citizen Free Press

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