Jesus' Coming Back

Make your prediction… When will serial loser Nikki Haley quit the 2024 race…

“Establishment garbage.” That is vicious, vile rhetoric unbecoming CitizenFreePress! Have you no decency? No sense of proportion? Nikki Haley is not Ilhan Omar! It seems that in your blind adoration of Trump, all of whose instances of horrible rhetoric behavior you either ignore or justify, you have concluded that any criticisms of him are a priori in bad faith and indicative of some deep character flaw. I submit that it is Trump who is, to put it mildly, personally flawed. I am sick and tired of his dining with anti-semitic bigots, his calls for suspending the Constitution, his racist attacks on the Asian wife of Senator McConnell. For me, the choice for 202 is easy: Ron DeSantis. He recognizes the mortal threat the left poses to America as we know it, and instead of narcissistically obsessing over personal slights, as is Trump, is doing something about it.

Citizen Free Press

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