Jesus' Coming Back

Pierre Poilievre vs Trudeau…

Undoubtedly there will be those who will insist Pierre Poilievre continues to be in bed with the WEF, pointing to his past. So what about the following?

“Pierre Poilievre: I will ban ministers and other top officials from involvement with the World Economic Forum”:
From 8 months ago

“Pierre Poilievre: Ban Federal Ministers From Attending World Economic Forum”:
From 6 months ago

“Pierre Poilievre promises to ban his cabinet ministers from the World Economic Forum if elected PM”:
From 4 months ago

To me, at least to my limited mind, crucifying Poilievre for any of his past WEF involvement seems on a par with crucifying Candace Owens, along with Diamond (RIP) and Silk because they all used to be Democrats and far more liberal at one time. Candace Owens identified herself as liberal as recently as 2014.

What more should Poilievre be doing? He seems like he got majorly red-pilled, just like Candace Owens, Diamond and Silk. If not him, then who? Canada’s foundering horribly with Trudeau, just as we are with Creepy Joe. What in the hell does Canada have to lose by going with Poilievre?

Citizen Free Press

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