February 1, 2023

If anyone thought that the culture of the black victim was reaching its sell-by date — after Rodney King, after Trayvon Martin, after Michael Brown, after Philando Castile, after George Floyd — well, obviously we were wrong.

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Because in the beating death of Tyre Nichols — in which five black policemen are accused of murder – we can see that the cult of the dead black victim is not going to go away. Not yet. It doesn’t matter that, this time, it wasn’t a racist white policeman that did it. The weeping dead man’s family, the mostly peaceful protests, the helpful intervention of attorney Benjamin Crump: it doesn’t need to be choreographed, because everyone knows their part in Victim Theater. For all the worĺd’s a stage/And all the men and women merely players…

And then, enter stage left, the regime media, right on cue. WaPo: “Black Memphis police spark dialogue on systemic racism in the US.”

Earth to liberals. If there is systemic racism in the U.S., you did it. Know why? Because nobody but a union liberal is allowed to teach in the nation’s schools; nobody but a liberal is allowed to teach in the nation’s universities. Nobody but a liberal is allowed to work in the “regime media.” Yet everything that’s wrong with America is because of systemic racism. Even though you liberals have ruled us for over a century.

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But you liberals — and only you — are fighting for the Victims. Against the Oppressors. Under your regime, Victim Narratives are the most important thing in the world, and you — only you — are fighting for the Victims.

Don’t doubt me on this, as St. Rush used to say. And the proof is that there are three victim museums on the National Mall in Washington D.C. There’s the National Museum of the American Indian, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

But not all Victim Narratives are equal in these United States. Oh no.

For there is something missing on the Mall, and it is an omission that speaks of a systemic bigotry that runs like a sewer through the American ruling class. Because not all Victims are equal.

There is no World Museum of White Trash History and Culture. And right now would be a good time to build one, what with the white working class dying of despair and homelessness and fentanyl.

You know what I think? I think that the murder of Tyre Nichols was a consequence of ruling class systemic racism against White Trash. Prove me wrong, geniuses.