Jesus' Coming Back

The Transgender Trainwreck…

Trying to mainstream sexual deviants, godless communists and illegal alien criminals as just regular folks is the calling card of this illegitimate regime. MEMO to Sniffy Shitpants and crew: It ain’t working. With all their woke support staff in entertainment, fake news and the socials, it still ain’t working. This administration is going to go down in flames, hopefully with some kind of charges for treason, grift or scumbaggery. Their own supporters are turning on them daily. I hope to see this decrepit old man in front of congress claiming he “doesn’t remember” or “can’t recall” a la King Ronald. This shitbag deserves neither the respect, the kid gloves nor the leniency afforded Regan, for obvious reasons. Expose them to everyone. Put this entire family of liars, traitors and thieves away in a cell, and wait for the Epstein treatment.

Citizen Free Press

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