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Rubio: Biden’s Green Push Will Make Us More Dependent on China, They Think Climate Is ‘Most Important Thing’

On Friday’s “Mike Gallagher Show,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said that there are people in the Biden administration who think the most important goal of U.S.-China policy is to strike a climate deal and stated that the administration’s green push is going to make the U.S. more dependent on China.

Rubio stated, [relevant remarks begin around 7:35] “In the case of Biden…you’ve got people in that administration that think the most important thing we need to do with China is a climate deal.”

He added, “Well, where do they make these batteries and the basic materials that are needed for those batteries, the lithium and otherwise? That’s sourced — China dominates that marketplace. So, look at solar panels. We basically were the innovators of that and they’ve now taken that over and so we’re going to be more dependent on the technology that the Chinese have come to control. And that’s what I mean by they want to go to Davos and they want to go to some forum somewhere and hold hands with the Chinese and say, we’ve solved climate change. Meanwhile, the Chinese are funding more coal-fired plants than every other country in the world combined right now.”

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