February 5, 2023

There are sites which regularly publish President Biden’s verbal gaffes. When he’s not hiding in his basement these perilous days, those gaffes are one of the few things you can reliably count on. 

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Townhall.com published one Biden flub this week that is among my favorites. 

BIDEN: “More than half the women in my administration are women.”

If you doubt the accuracy of this there’s a video they’ve published which captured it.

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Now that I think of it, given the way that Biden staffed his administration, perhaps this wasn’t a gaffe, but a rare moment of honesty from someone so consistently dissembling over many years that he makes Congressman George Santos look like an amateur. 

In a break from the focus on Russia and Ukraine this week, a Chinese spy balloon was captured on film over Montana as it traveled across the country, viewing and transmitting home — from a 90-foot array of equipment — who knows what.  There was a claim that it exploded over Montana, but that claim seems to have been credibly debunked.

The military claims it cannot do anything about it, that the balloon currently does not pose a “military or political” threat. They’ve also contended that in their assessment shooting it down could create debris that might hurt people on the ground.

The Chinese claim it’s a weather (meteorology balloon) that strayed into our territory.  That seems unlikely, so you can expect there’s a great deal of speculation about its purpose. Is it to taunt us? Humiliate our demented president and his administration? Is it a trial run for something worse?

Was our intelligence lacking and permitted the overflight? The NY Post says it wasn’t, that we knew about it for a week before it was spotted by civilians and tried to hide it so the overflight would not interfere with Secretary Antony Blinken’s’ planned trip to China. If that was the intention, it failed, and the trip, after all, was cancelled once the administration’s plan to keep it secret failed.

Some have contended that the balloon did not clearly violate our airspace. After quoting Larry Johnson, Mark Wauck says all the fuss is just Sturm and Drang, because there’s nothing illegal about the balloon’s traversing the USA.