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Julian Castro: Polls Showing Trump over Biden ‘Should Be Worrisome’ to Democrats

Former Obama Cabinet member Julián Castro said polls showing former President Donald Trump triumphing over Joe Biden “should be worrisome” to Democrats.

As Breitbart News reported over the weekend, Trump took the lead over Biden – 48 percent to 45 percent – in an ABC-Washington Post poll that some Democrats have taken notice of:

Trump, at 48 percent, leads Biden’s 45 percent by 3 percent. One percent said they would vote for someone else, 3 percent said they would not vote for either Trump or Biden, 2 percent said they would not vote, and 1 percent had no opinion.

The survey, from the Washington Post and ABC News, represents a five-point swing Trump’s way from the pollster’s last such survey nationally back in September, which had Biden leading Trump 48 percent to 46 percent.

The survey polled 1,003 American adults from January 27 to February 1, and has a margin of error of 3.5 percent.

In response to the poll, the far-left Castron said Democrats should be worried.

“It’s the general consensus that Dems are content with Biden in a Trump rematch. But this poll undermines Biden’s central argument for re-nomination. Two years is forever and it’s just one poll, but if he’s faring this poorly after a string of wins, that should be worrisome,” he tweeted.

Another Rasmussen Poll released last week showed a majority of Democrats do not want Biden to run for reelection in 2024.

“The Rasmussen Reports survey poll released Friday found that 56 percent of respondents do not want Biden to run for reelection, as he is past the halfway point of his presidency, and his State of the Union is set for this Tuesday. In comparison, 32 percent say he would run for a second term, while 12 percent are unsure,” noted Breitbart News.

A further poll has confirmed dissatisfaction with the president’s performance from within his own party.

Biden has not announced his candidacy yet but has indicated that he will run for reelection.

Polls among Republicans have varied on whether or not they want Trump to be the candidate again in 2024.


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