February 7, 2023

The Biden family (as in crime family) legal problems are beginning to converge in an interesting way.  It may be the formation of a perfect political storm.

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Objective observers (which excludes the MSM) recognize that the Biden clan has had some shady financial dealings.  With recent events, the evidence is becoming undeniable.  As criminals often do, one of the co-conspirators may need to turn on the other to cover his tail.  In this case, Hunter Biden may be the one protecting himself at his partner’s expense — with Joe Biden being the partner left holding the bag.

I like those movies where a criminal mastermind pulls off an impossible heist and leaves no evidence behind.  A Hunter Biden caper doesn’t look anything like that.  He traveled the world selling influence and information (some of which may have been classified) provided by his father.  His primary clients appear to be Ukraine and China.  That would be the very Ukraine that President Asterisk made generous military gifts to, and the China that he refuses to hold accountable for anything.

Hunter then:

  • loaded his laptop with evidence of the Biden family influence business;
  • dropped it off at a repair shop;
  • signed a contract granting ownership to the shop, should he abandon the laptop;
  • went on a dope- and hooker-fueled binge; and
  • abandoned the laptop — probably forgetting where he left it and what it contained.

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Now an unknown number of people have copies of the laptop hard drive.  Hunter Biden fulfills only half of the “criminal mastermind” moniker — and it’s not the “mastermind” half.

But for Hunter, it was no problem.  His dad has always had his six.  Pop could just ring up his Garland and Wray fixer department and have them fix it.  Problem solved — until now.

Now Joe’s got his own problems.  He got caught doing what he said was inexcusable — if Donald Trump did it.  That would be mishandling, and maybe even stealing, classified documents.  The revelation has shattered the illusion of his integrity.  Don’t laugh.  Some people actually believed that fairy tale.

Then, just when people were starting to forget about his Afghanistan surrender debacle, the Chinese seized air superiority over America using 19th-century technology — a balloon.  That also left the illusion of his competence shattered.

Now the Republican led House of Representatives is gearing up to investigate all things Biden.  This time, they actually appear serious.  Nobody saw that coming when Kevin McCarthy was elected speaker.

Now Joe’s looking around and not finding many friends.  The Republicans want to push him out of office because he’s dangerous to the country.  The Dems want to push him out of office because he’s dangerous to the party.  And the MSM are suddenly doing some actual reporting because they need to regain some credibility before the 2024 propaganda season warms up.