Jesus' Coming Back

Seb Gorka raises hell…

Bottom line folks is this.

Our military top tier generals have colluded with the commie left and arms industry, and communist party.
All this bs was in motion for yrs and these guys were sleeper cells. Look how the only war we won post Vietnam was Gulf War 1. True generals from nam days ran it.

Since then CIA, NSA, DIA, have done nothing to prevent wars or stop communist aggression and involvement around the world. 2001 we are hit by middle east terrorist s on homeland CIA DIA all had intell these guys were planning and were on move in USA. AS DID secret element in DIA. THEY REFUSEd to tell anyone.

They needed the attacks to happen to usher in the neo police state. Nsa cia doj fbi and creation of nazi gestapo
DNI, DHS, HSI, and FISA court.

They set the foundation for the American run operated secret police under the guise of war on terror and ends justifies means. Reading emails, letters, wiretapping, surveilling, targeting, labeling, designating people terrorist s to justify their acts.

2016 Trump wins becomes president total outsider to the cabal. He starts to open the curtain. He actually went to work to make America strong. He started looking at the stupid crap cabal and. Pentagon cabal was doing.
Realized Afghanistan was bs and was just a payday for arms industry. Endless wars and countless lives being lost
For 20 plus yrs and no end in sight. No accountability from generals. These generals lied for 20 yrs we were advancing winning the war. They lied under oath. They lied to President Trump. When Trump said no more and said we were done this is when the pentagon cabal joined forces with dnc fbi nsa cia big media big arms companies, big tech, clintons, obamas, bush’s. You see how bff obamas, bush’s Clinton’s are. They are all members of the cabal. Hillary payed a fine to FEC for 2016 election interference but no criminal charges.

Trump was fire wall against the new world order operation to transform America into a neo totalitarian neo capitalist republic.

Trump fixed NAFTA, JAPAN trade deals, brought Chinese to their knees to correct trade deficit. Market was booming
In 2020 jan feb march, them WUHAN BIO ATTACK poped up.

They had enough and new Trump was on track win landslide like Reagan 1984.

So they new he had to be stopped.

They released bio attack on the world.

Told ama big pharm to do what they got to do to make it as awful as possible.

They new Hydroxychloriquen, ivermectin, anti virals and some over the counter meds helped or cured this biological attack infection.

But no hospitals pharmacies refused to release meds that saved lives.

And here we are today Mitch Mcconnel, and deep state continue to lose race after race along with rnc pos Ronna. mcdaniel who is puppet of gop deep state to abandon any gop candidate who was supporter of maga idelas.

Made sure we lost senate.

Tried to lose the house by sabotaging and refusing to fund re elections of maga based gop.

Wr are living in a fake free nation.

Fbi dhs hsi doj nsa cia are new secret police.

Wake up America.

China and russia will hit us.

Biden wants world ww3 to accomplish the neo permanent
Police state and destroy constitution under guise of
Continuity of government play book.

Its coming

Citizen Free Press

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