False teacher Todd Bentley says he is ‘booked to spend several days’ at ‘Asbury revival’, university says he was not invited to speak
Todd Bentley, who once claimed to cure cancer by kicking a woman in the face, has announced that he is “booked to spend several days” in what has become known as the Asbury revival—a chapel service that grew into a daily, larger meeting of students, faculty, as well as eager followers from all over the country to worship and experience the presence of God at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky.
Bentley, a Canadian charismatic minister and professed faith healer, and who was behind the false Lakeland Revival, took to Facebook to announce that he was on his way this week to Wilmore, Kentucky to the campus chapel—encouraging his followers to “catch” it and meet him there.
“I am booked to spend several days in the #asburyrevival in Wilmore Kentucky this week. This is a sovereign outpouring I’m i’m (sic) going to soak in for a few days! Let’s catch it #Spreadthefire Who is hungry for God too,” the false prophet posted to his Facebook page.
In a message to Asbury University about Bentley’s recent post, the university responded, in part, that “[s]ecurity and leadership are aware”, and in a call by Christian News Network to Asbury’s media relations department, Abby Laub stated that Bentley “was not invited to come and speak at Asbury, and the university is being very careful to steward what God is doing here.”
In January 2020, a panel of six charismatic leaders concluded that Bentley was disqualified for leadership or ministry based on “credible accusations of a steady pattern of ungodly and immoral behavior.”
Bentley was romantically-involved with another woman, Jessa, before divorcing his wife, in which he later married. Jessa told Charisma Magazine in a 2009 interview that “it was still wrong for us to have anything romantic, regardless if anything physical happened or not” and that it was “sin”.
During one of Bentley’s events, she was invited to the pulpit to share a dream she had, which resulted in violent shaking, that some have noted as evidence of demonic possession.
It is unknown what involvement Bentley seeks to have at Asbury apart from attending, though others have expressed concerns on his online post, calling him to a “heretic” and to repent.
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