February 17, 2023

FAIR Analysis: 5.5 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since Biden Took Office — How is Secretary Mayorkas Still Employed?” — Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) October 25, 2022.*

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House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy and other House Republicans are floating a motion to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, as if that would end the invasion of millions of foreign nationals at our Southern border. 

How does that work, exactly, when this open-border agenda goes right to the top.  If Mayorkas is removed, wouldn’t President Biden just appoint another open-borders guy to fill his slot? 

If House Republicans do any impeaching, to stop the lawless flood of foreigners into the United States, it seems they would need to impeach the official Border Czar and her Boss — both of them, together.

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While it may be a first, ‘dual impeachment’ of both president and vice president is not such an outlandish idea when you consider that the Democrats impeached Donald Trump twice.  During Trump’s first impeachment, over the supposed quid pro quo telephone call with Volodymyr Zelensky, Democrats actually toyed with the idea of impeaching Vice President Mike Pence as well.  So, there is something of a precedent.  The second time they impeached him and held a Senate trial, President Trump was already out of office.  Now, if anything passes for ‘outlandish’, that’s it.

Unlike the flimsy cases presented in the Trump impeachment trials, the case against Biden and Harris, on their mismanagement of our border, is rock solid. 

Let’s summarize:

For starters, let’s define the “fentanyl crises” for what it really is: Chemical warfare, effectively perpetrated on the American people by the Chinese communist government and their Mexican-cartel allies.  This administration’s open border, which is clearly an intentional policy, marks Biden and Harris as co-conspirators in what’s arguably the CCP’s chemical-weapons assault on U.S. citizens. 

(By the way, the partnership between Red China and the Mexican cartels, for the purpose of smuggling drugs and humans into the U.S., is straight out of the playbook: Unrestricted Warfare; written by CCP generals Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui.)

Bidden and Harris are not only complicit in the crimes taking place at the border, they are accomplices.  The Biden administration covertly transports millions of illegal aliens, by bus or plane, to every state in the union and re-settles them.  Other perks for being an illegal invader are free smart phones, food stamps, medical, etc.  …all compliments of American taxpayers.