Jesus' Coming Back

Asbury University president to end ‘revival’ service, says a ‘disruption to the continuity’ of the students’ ‘academic experience’

Asbury University, the site of a now 11-day “revival,” says it will no longer allow people to worship at Hughes Auditorium 24 hours a day or allow any attendees to “livestream or broadcast anything from indoors,” and evening services will no longer be hosted at the university beginning on Friday, February 24.

Dr. Kevin J. Brown, the university’s president, said he’s trying to “balance” the “historic moment” happening at the school and the needs of its students and their “academic experience,” explaining that they are “working to increase security, prayer and ministry support, and event management, and overall logistical planning.”

The “revival” has attracted people from all over the world, leaving long lines to get in. This weekend, services will be only held in the afternoon and evenings with a priority for high schoolers and people 25 or younger.


• The full statement from President Dr. Brown, published on a page called “Outpouring” on Asbury University’s website, reads as follows:

As we end this week and approach the next, I write to openly share important campus updates and new plans that have been established.

As an Asbury University leader, there is a tension I am trying to faithfully navigate at this time. On one hand, I humbly recognize we are experiencing a historic moment on our campus. Never in my life have I witnessed such manifest spiritual hunger—from our students to the nations—to humble ourselves and seek the Lord’s face. Books could be (and will be) written recounting the incredible stories and experiences of inspiring humility, altar consecration, neighborly love, and life-changing commitments. When I walk into Hughes Auditorium, I have a firsthand picture of the fruit of the Spirit.

As a university, our first commitment is to foster the minds and hearts of students who have been entrusted to us and who are central to our mission. We know the last week has been a disruption to the continuity of their academic experience. Students have not only had to juggle various campus commitments (academic, athletic, extra-curricular, internship) with our various campus services, but also the throngs of people who have entered the dimensions of their space. For some, this has created a sense of being unsettled and even alienation from their campus community.

While I remain profoundly grateful that staff, faculty, and students get to be a part of God’s unique and powerful work on our campus, I want to be mindful of my mandate as a fiduciary of Asbury’s resources and student-centric mission.

After much prayer and discussion with campus leadership, I am announcing our new schedule for the next week. This schedule is an attempt to recognize and steward this beautiful, historic moment of spiritual renewal while quickly moving toward a more sustainable campus experience for our students that fosters predictability, well-being, and continuity.

Along with a new schedule, we are working with several groups to increase security, prayer and ministry support, event management, and overall logistical planning.

I have been so inspired and encouraged by the life-transforming renewal experienced by students and guests alike. I have also been deeply inspired by the incredible spirit of our Asbury staff, faculty, and students. I have seen men and women go far above and beyond in every way imaginable to accommodate our visitors so they can encounter the Lord on our campus. I have seen faculty and staff work between classes to bring order, usher lines, pass out water, and pray with students. I have had students share their desire to make space for guests to experience what they have.

Never in my life will I forget this. Never in my life have I been so proud to say that I am a part of Asbury University. I write this with tears. The people here are so special.

Thank you for your patience, and thank you for lifting up our school, our mission, and our students in prayer.

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