Jesus' Coming Back

Democrat Marianne Williamson Teases Potential Presidential Campaign Launch in March

Marianne Williamson, an author and “spiritual thought leader” who ran for president as a Democrat in 2020, is planning an “important announcement” early next month in Washington, DC.

“As America gears up for the 2024 presidential election, I’m preparing an important announcement on March 4th in Washington DC,” Williamson said in a statement.

She added a list of her three central motivations that have “propelled [her] to explore the possibility of running for the Democratic nomination for president in 2024.”

Such motivations include:

  • a commitment to the tenets of liberty espoused in the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address;
  • a realization of the Democratic Party’s shift away from the party of President Franklin Roosevelt;
  • and the economic injustices endured by millions of Americans due to the influence of corporate money on our political system.

“I look forward to discussing with the country my thoughts about where we have been as a nation, where we are now and where we need to go from here,” added Williamson.

Williamson, whose website describes her as “a bestselling author, political activist, and spiritual thought leader,” first told Politico that she planned to issue a statement regarding her 2024 plans this weekend and affirmed she would “absolutely” run as a Democrat if she entered the fray.

She would be the first official Democrat candidate to enter the race and the first to serve as a potential challenger to incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden, who told PBS on February 8 it is his “intention” to run. He is reportedly eyeing an April announcement.

The 80-year-old, who would be 86 at the end of a second term, underwent a physical examination this week, which determined he was “healthy” and “vigorous.”

Despite Biden’s “intention” to seek reelection, some Democrats are worried about his chances in a general election, as Politico’s Jonathon Martin recently reported.

“Nobody wants to be the one to do something that would undermine the chances of a Democratic victory in 2024,” Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) told Martin. “Yet in quiet rooms the conversation is just the opposite — we could be at a higher risk if this path is cleared.”

Martin caught up with a second Democrat lawmaker who hoped Biden would ride off into the sunset, noting the individual “recalled speaking to Jill Biden and, hoping to plant a seed about a one-term declaration of victory, told her how her husband should be celebrated for saving democracy.”

Many Democrat voters feel the same, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll from earlier this month, which found just 37 percent of Democrats want Biden to run again in 2024.


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