Jesus' Coming Back

Tucker Carlson… The White House wants us to shut up…

We already had a full blown gay President who referred to his husband as his wife. If knowing this alone was so important as it seems to be now, why did he stay in the closet? Hmmm, maybe it was just because he was not a USA born citizen, thereby having no business running for President. And since this country has become so f*** up since he won the Whitehouse and continues to f*** things up as our current fraudulently placed Presidents puppet master, there’s no question as to why the Constitution was written to keep foreign born traitors out. Only problem was, the traitors within our own Congress and our SCOTUS, (BACK IN 2008), refused to even look at “in your face” evidence of a cover up. We let the asswipes we elect get away with doing nothing about it. Because it was so easy then, why stop there?…(and they didn’t!). No question, in my mind, this is why President Trump isn’t on his second term and exactly why Kari Lake is not the current Governor of Arizona. And to be sure that history repeats itself, our asswipes in Congress and the SCOTUS will do nothing about it even though, (once again), “in your face” evidence of voter fraud is so prevalent.

Citizen Free Press

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