Jesus' Coming Back

Watch the Anti-1619 Film Leftists Don’t Want You to See

The following is sponsored content by Right Makes Might.

There was once a time, not too long ago, in fact, when public pride in America was as uncontroversial as apple pie. Sure, like all countries we have our turbulent and dark pasts, but never have we stopped working toward our famous ideals of “equality” and freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.

The New York Times and its financially successful “1619 Project” would have you think otherwise. Indeed, they would have you think America was born in sin and in sin remains. That we are a racist, irredeemable country. This destructive rhetoric sells—as all outrage tends—though it is not true, as many leading historians have demonstrated. But more needs to be said.

What Americans need is a kind of anti-1619 Project. And so, we are happy to present: Right Makes Might: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, streaming now on Amazon.


This is the definitive documentary that answers, through the character and action of our greatest president, Abraham Lincoln, the crucial question of whether America is defined by slavery or freedom.

Watch the Full Film Here.

The 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates are, undoubtedly, the most famous political debates in our nation’s history. The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 effectively repealed the 1820 Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery to spread into the territories west of the Mississippi River. To make matters worse, in its Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court found that Congress did not have the power to ban slavery in the territories.

The American experiment in liberty and equality looked like it was coming to an end. And this was precisely the pretext of the seven public debates between Illinois Sen. Stephen A. Douglas and Senate-hopeful Abraham Lincoln.

Produced by Madison McQueen Films—creator of the documentary “No Safe Spaces” featuring Dennis Prager and Adam Corolla—and narrated by Princeton historian Allen C. Guelzo, this film is a must-watch for students, educators, and all Americans who care about defending their country.

America was not founded upon slavery, but upon freedom. The “1619 Project” is nothing more than revisionist history that aims at uprooting the principles upon which we were founded and does not reflect the reality of America nor the truth of our history. It is up to every one of us to counter the attacks waged against our nation, and so we ask you to watch and share Right Makes Might to arm yourself with the knowledge you will need to fight in this ideological war.


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