Jesus' Coming Back

Asbury Revival ‘Could Be Leading into a Great Awakening’ in America: Church Leader

A church leader who has followed the Asbury revival since its inception and who has been in contact with pastors on the ground says Americans could be witnessing a historic event that will impact not only the faith community but the nation, too.

Greg Gordon, who founded and runs the popular website, told Christian Headlines that he’s been praying for revival for two decades and has seen a personal revival in his own life since the outpouring started.

The Asbury revival began on Feb. 8 and has been going nonstop for more than 300 consecutive hours.

“I believe that this could be leading into a great awakening, which is something that will spread far and wide and affect society,” Gordon told Christian Headlines. “I’m truly believing that this could lead to that. That’s my prayer, that’s my desire.”

Gordon founded to preserve and promote “classical vintage preaching” and to promote what the website calls “genuine biblical revival to this generation.” The website includes thousands of audio, video and text sermons, including those by A.W. Tozer and Leonard Ravenhill. Gordon’s home is in Canada.

“I know lots of pastors in the States, and as soon as this [revival] broke out, I had like 10 pastors contact me, and three of them were down there,” Gordon said.

He began watching a livestream and experienced a movement of God.

“I just had a three-hour worship moment with the Lord,” Gordon said. “I experienced the personal revival.”

Gordon said he had been “growing tired in ministry” prior to the revival.

On Monday, he and his wife were traveling to the revival to experience it in person.

He encourages critics of the Asbury revival to ask God for guidance and wisdom. Six months ago, Gordon said he, too, was critical of revivals.

“I was growing dim and cold in my faith. I was judging revivals, I was judging brothers and sisters,” Gordon told Christian Headlines. “But when we get close to the heart of God, and to the Lord Jesus, we start to have a love for how He works in different ways – and not to judge people. A love for the truth doesn’t mean a hatred for each other. A love for the truth is a love for each other. If we don’t love each other who we see, how can we love God who we don’t see?

“I’ve been praying for revival for 18 years. When it comes, I don’t say, ‘God, I don’t like how you answered my prayer – do it again. Send something better.'”

Gordon grew up Presbyterian. He said he’s not charismatic.

The revival, he said, has broken denominational barriers.

“Denominations are not from God. In heaven, there are no denominations. We love each other. Let’s respect our differences. … Revival kind of breaks those barriers,” he said. “… God’s grace is for everyone. I really believe that this revival can be experienced by everyone.”


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Photo courtesy: ©GettyImages/CreativaImages

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chroniclethe Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.


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