Sununu to Trump: Thank You for Your Service But ‘We’re Moving On’ in 2024

Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) said Tuesday on FNC’s “Special Report” that Americans were “moving on” from former President Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican primary.
Sununu said, “The race for president hasn’t really started. No one’s really thinking that way. Remember, we’re just coming out of November of ’22. And, you and I are in this world talking about it all the time, but the average American, they’re dealing with inflation, they’re dealing with high housing prices, record debt at the household level.”
He continued, “And look, my message to, about President Trump is we thank you for your service. Great, but we’re moving on. Americans are not in the mode of just settling. Right? We’re never going to say, ‘The best opportunity for tomorrow’s leadership is yesterday’s leadership.’ We want the next generation. We want the next big idea.”
Sununu added, “The former president is kind of baked in. Either you are with him, or you are not. I don’t think anything’s going to get his poll numbers up. And as this race actually heats up and people start paying attention, there’s just going to be a lot of other options on the table.”
Anchor Bret Baier said, “And for the people who say the more candidates get in – if you choose to – the more the chances are that the former president shoots the gap and becomes the nominee?”
Sununu said, “So here’s the key. I don’t care how many get in. You got to have the discipline to get out. And that’s what a lot of folks did not have in ’16.”
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