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Mayorkas: ‘Nation of Immigrants’ Narrative Is More Important than Congress’s Law; Mayorkas Refuses to Resign, Declares US a ‘Place of Refuge’ for World’s Immigrants

Mayorkas: ‘Nation of Immigrants’ Narrative Is More Important than Congress’s Law:

The 1950s “Nation of Immigrants” narrative is more important than Congress’s laws, according to Alexandro Mayorkas, who is President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief.

“Our goal is to achieve operational control of the border, to do everything that we can to support our personnel with the resources, the technology, the policies that really advance the security of the border, and do not come at the cost of the values of our country,” Mayorkas said in an interview with CNN’s Chris Wallace, on the cable TV show, Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace.”

“The law needs to be changed if it does not either meet our highest ideals or actually proves to be functional in the service of those ideals,” said Mayorkas, a lawyer who has opened many loopholes to smuggle more economic migrants into Americans’ economy and society.

“I’m not going to resign,” Mayorkas said in response to a question about congressional GOP calls for his impeachment. “There’s a tremendous amount of work to do, and we are doing it and I’m incredibly proud to do it,” he said.

Mayorkas made his “Nation of Immigrants” claims when Wallace pressed him to justify his repeated claim that “the border is secure” amid the movement of roughly 3.5 million migrants — including at least 1.2 million unidentified “gotaways” — through the southern border.

“What does ‘secure’ mean to you?” Wallace asked. —>READ MORE HERE

Mayorkas Refuses to Resign, Declares US a ‘Place of Refuge’ for World’s Immigrants:

The secretary of the Department of Homeland Security is defending his job performance amid an illegal immigration crisis unprecedented in American history.

In an interview with CNN’s Chris Wallace on Friday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas rejected demands by congressional Republicans for his resignation, according to Homeland Security Today, a nonprofit that covers security issues.

“Number one, I’m not going to resign,” Mayorkas told Wallace on CNN’s “Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?”

Several Republican lawmakers have floated Mayorkas as a target for impeachment, citing the torrent of illegal immigration penetrating the southern border.

DHS has hired private attorneys to represent the department and Mayorkas personally in congressional proceedings, according to Politico.

No “outside law firm” will protect Mayorkas from impeachment.

We won’t stop until he is removed from office.

— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) February 10, 2023

Mayorkas went on to demand that Congress pass amnesty legislation for illegal aliens.

“Number two, I call upon Congress, as the president has done, as this nation has done, to actually fix an immigration system that has been broken for decades,” Mayorkas told Wallace, according to Homeland Security Today. —>READ MORE HERE

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