Jesus' Coming Back

Rod Stewart… We should send F-16s to Zelensky…

I used to enjoy The Small Faces & Rod Stewart’s music early rock n roll. I even met him once. Now, I cannot listen to anything coming out of his mouth. He has lost all touch with reality. Thankfully I realized growing up by meeting several what people considered stars. That they’re sinful, many are stupidly humans that put there pants on one leg at a time. Just like the rest of us! It’s time to shun & mock these f-ing idiots just like you would anyone else! Stop printing & listening too there ramblings. This isn’t news, it’s f-ing insane ramblings of a narcissist madman. Who couldn’t survive not one single day in the wild or, work one physical day at a real job. His only God given talent, I guarantee he would deny God blessed him with it. Hot Rod, has turned into Bozo the clown. Kindly F-off now! Sing a song or, STFU.

Citizen Free Press

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