March 4, 2023

I recall first paying attention to Diamond and Silk long before I became a Trump supporter.  Circa 2018, clips would roll by on my Facebook feed.  Staunch left-supporting Black Americans held them in no kind esteem — one comment after another, mocking the sister-twosome.  At that time, I personally did not pay them very much mind one way or the other.  They had a right to their beliefs, and I didn’t think much of their presence.

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By the time 2019 had rolled around, I found myself in what I called a “purgatory” mindset of not having voted for Trump (nor Hilliary Clinton) in 2016, but feeling that something was rather off with regard to the mainstream media’s relentless attacks upon Trump.  Being 59 at the time, I found myself thinking time and again that, this isn’t the man I remember from the ‘80s and ‘90s.  A “blatant racist?” This bewilderment could serve as a textbook example of the power of the media to program any individual who is virtually asleep and not paying attention.  Fortunately for me, I was paying attention, or at least just enough attention to question the mainstream media versus my own sound memory bank.  Suffice to say, I am someone who is far from asleep.  I remember saying to friend that I did not recall 45 being a racist, and that the problem with Trump seems to be that he is not on board with the agenda that the mainstream media wants him to be on.  I could not make heads nor tails of it all, because the truth was — I had not been keeping up.  I was awash in the details of my own personal life. I had distanced myself from the Black consciousness movement and any other movement for that matter.  It was the first time in my life that I did not vote.  At that time, I deemed Trump a narcissist.  I now assert that he is not.  A “narcissist” would not put his life and leisure on the line for literally millions of strangers. Trump is a man who genuinely cares about others. Does he have a sizeable ego?  Perhaps so. I don’t know.  But I also don’t know of any highly accomplished men who don’t possess an abundance of ego.

I deemed Hillary (after downloading the Podesta emails) a corrupt cohort, involved in the trafficking of Haitian children.  True or not, this was the conclusion that I came to in 2016.  I had no reservations about it.  For the first time in my life…  I did not vote.

All of that changed in 2020 during the onset of the COVID pandemic, when I began to more frequently log in to Facebook to listen to Baltimore’s Daren Muhammad’s candid, no-holds-barred, radio broadcast “The State of The City.”  The long and short of it all was that Daren Muhammad enlightened me on the favorability and worthiness of President Donald J. Trump.  From there I began to search the internet on my own with regard to the MAGA/AMERICA FIRST movement, and when I dig… I dig deep.  It wasn’t long before I found myself alone on my Facebook feed as a Trump supporter.  It was at this point that I backtracked to the raw delivery Diamond and Silk. 

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I’ll be transparent in revealing that I was guilty of wanting Diamond and Silk to present their views with a tad more eloquence.  With this being said, it remained that I valued their candor, their unwavering diligence in their battle against the anti-Trump propaganda machine. I understood that lack of eloquence did not diminish their verity for those with ears to hear.  For decades American’s have been listening to politicians and pundits with graduate degrees and diplomatic eloquence.  Warmed and fuzzied-up commentary, devoid of jagged edges.  We are now in an era where edification is being garnered from within.  From home, our family members, neighbors, Facebook friends, and those crazy internet vloggers.  I will speak for myself and assert that I no longer harbor any special favor for the diplomatic tongue.  I simply require the truth. If the truth is articulated in a raw fashion, it won’t hinder me in the least from lending my ear.  After all, did our precious “Diamond” not serve as somewhat of a reflection of the man she so vehemently supported… President Donald J. Trump?  The same man who pompously positioned himself in front the nefarious NATO swamp creatures, in a spectacle so brazen that I wondered (at the time) what was wrong with him.  It wasn’t until months later that I understood the nature of the clip.  Many of us find ourselves hanging by a thread at the precipice, and have come to the conclusion that we don’t care how you thwart the bully… just get it done.

I addition to the fervent voice of “Diamond,” I could find very few Black women vocalizing their support of President Trump.   There is Dr. Stella Immanuel, who supported Trump on COVID therapeutics, and still supports him to this day.  Yet, I don’t hear very much from the good doctor.  There was Candace Owens, who lost me from the very onset, but that’s another story for another time.

Over the past two-three years, I have spoken with American women across ethnic boundaries here in New “Woke” City.  Black women, Puerto Rican women, and Dominican women. Boomers and young women of Generation Z.  They nod at me. They know what’s really going on. They voted for 45 in 2020.  They speak amongst themselves. But they are publicly silent.  Perhaps they understand or fear the gravity of what could ensue if they became too vocal… what with censorship, monitoring, and rigged elections flourishing at the forefront.  Nobody wants to be “January 6ed.”  Not to mention the leftist friends and family members who have already ridiculed and abandoned them.  Who knows what could be next? Perhaps women of color feel they don’t have much, but that what little they possess is precious.  They don’t wish to forfeit that precious little.  I do not know if that’s true, I am just pondering.  Whatever the case, their lack of presence in our AMERICA FIRST, MAGA movement has proven to be disheartening for me.  I know they exist…  but where are they?

The passing of “Diamond” even further diminishes our presence within the movement. I’m sure that I have missed other ardent supporters of President Trump who are Black and female, but certainly none with the courage to position themselves at the forefront as Diamond and Silk have. My heart is broken.  Sister Diamond was brave, bodacious, and always a pleasure to watch. She asserted herself and spoke truth to power, while others cowered and fled into the shadows.  I lament that I will never get a chance to greet and hug her, but perhaps that time will come with SILK. 

Janet Walters Levite
TRUTH SOCIAL:  @JanetLevite  

Image: Alex Jones Channel